Why is Pharaoh's name not given in the book of Genesis?

by VM44 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    Why is Pharaoh's (or rather Pharaohs', as there were more than one) NOT given in the book of Genesis?

    Did the writer (or compiler) of the book have something to gain by NOT being precise as to the idientity of Pharaoh?

  • AllTimeJeff

    Because the Delorean broke down, and they had to save their uranium??

    Sorry, I don't mean to be a smart ass. I think these are the kinds of questions that can shed a great deal of light on the bible's claims of inspiration.

    I think it tells me that it was written well after the fact. I know there are other theories, but that is what makes sense to me.

  • VM44

    By NOT giving names it introduces uncertainty and makes it harder to match the story with Egyptian records.

    The name of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar is prominately mentioned in the bible, so why not the name of the Pharoahs as well?

    It was done deliberately!

  • Number1Anarchist

    You would think if you were going to right a historic book inspired by God and going to be read by future generations you would want to get all the facts straight. It leaves you with more questions than answers. I don't get that book at all. Then for someone to say all you need is faith is a crock. Blind Faith is just not my style!

  • VM44
    Then for someone to say all you need is faith is a crock.

    The Watchtower (and hence the JWs) has often mentioned how precise and detailed are the Biblical accounts concerning history.

    This is one instance where the Bible does NOT give detailed information!

  • VM44

    Perhaps the writer of Exodus COULDN'T give the name of Pharaoh?

    If he did give a name it would reveal that the story was simply a story.

  • Number1Anarchist

    Absolutley! Really makes you ask yourself a Creator that creates planets and galaxies and who knows what else can't write a book with correct history, I mean give me a break.

    The book is seriously questionable. Inspired by man would seem more correct. Seems like Watchtower logic once again. New Light, The bible is a not the word of God sorry we were wrong for the last 3000 years oh well.lol

  • SPAZnik

    "New Light, The bible is a not the word of God sorry we were wrong for the last 3000 years oh well." LOL As if they'd say sorry. That's just unrealistic. :OP


    I agree........Treble ClefNotes..They got Arks and Angels/Babylon and Baal/Snakes in a Garden/Sampson in Jail/Pillars of Salt/and a Puke eat`n Mutt/But not one word of a Pharaoh/Not even King Tut!..NotesTreble Clef..........BravoBravoBravo..............Thank-You..Thank-You very much!..Elvis 2..........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • belbab

    How many of you know the name of the Queen of England, what name was she born with?

    Off hand I don't know.

    How about Stalin's name? I know the word means "Man of Steel" but his real name I don't know.


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