So I installed a surveillance camera...

by tooktheredpill 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • tooktheredpill

    Hi guys!

    As many of you already know, I'm in my "fading" process with my wife. We haven't been to the KH for the last 5-6 months. We don't want to get DF because we still have our families inside the Borg. I can't describe how peaceful it feels to stay home every meeting day!

    The funny thing is that we are receiving visits from the Elders every Saturday morning. (They should be preaching door-to-door, but apparently they like to visit us better! :wink: We haven't talked to any of them, because we do not open the door. They leave messages in our front door, or in our answering machine.

    So, I decided to install a security camera. Now I can see who's at our door in my TV set... without going out of bed!!!

    I just hope that they get tired of trying to find us.

    Cross your fingers!!! :smile:


  • purplesofa

    They will leave you alone in time. I remember when I first was fading I had visitors for what seemed like a year.

    I kept my blinds closed most of the time. Saturday mornings I was always hermitized.

    I started parking my car behind the gate in the backyard.

    I can remember feeling SAFE to shop when I knew they had meetings, knowing I probably would not run into witnesses at the store.

    What an awful way to live, glad that is over.


  • tooktheredpill

    OMG Purps!

    My wife and I are doing the same stuff right now! We have the problem that the KH is very near our house. So we close our blinds when it's time for the meetings. I don't do the lawn on Saturday mornings or on Sundays.

    I'ts incredible that we need to behave like fugitives in our own house!!! But I hope that it will get better in time.

    Thanks for sharing!!!!


  • outofthebox

    I know the feeling. I had to escape too, like a fugitive. This crazy cult!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Do you have the kind of camera that is like up in their FACES with a blinking RED LIGHT on it so they know they are being watched? LOL! What do they really think they are doing anyway? You suffer, you have questions no one wants to answer, you get depressed, you NEVER get a sheparding call to see how you are...and the minute you wander away, not surprisingly...NOW they want to visit???


  • Number1Anarchist

    Go even further and hook your sprinklers up to turn on when they arrive and blast them with Water!

  • jws

    When I started missing meetings, nobody stopped by. I ended up moving out of state, then back, but to another part of town when I really stopped going. So I didn't face any of that fear of running into people or having them see me.

    I do remember the feelings of freedom. For a long time, I knew at a subconscious level that it was Tuesday or Thursday night even if I wasn't paying attention. I had that feeling of skipping out of something. If felt wierd not go to the meeting, but so awesome to have that time to myself!

    Security camera or not, chances are they know you're home. You're probably showing some signs of life to tip them off that you're ignoring them.

    Does your camera have sound? It might be cool to hear what they might be saying while they're waiting for somebody to answer the door.

    Good luck on a successful fade.

  • Finally-Free

    I tried to fade, and that lasted only a few months. I hated feeling like I had to look over my shoulder in public. I hated avoiding answering the door or phone. I'm a free man in a free country, innocent of any crime and guaranteed 'freedom of religion'. Why should I feel the need to hide from anyone? Things came to a head when some elders pursued my vehicle, thinking I was driving, and eventually cornered my distraught wife who later called me at work in a panic. That was when I wrote them a letter warning them to stay away from me and my home, or there would be consequences.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I know the feeling. I had to escape too, like a fugitive. This crazy cult!

    Umm, aren't you still an elder??!!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Tookthepill, our last meeting was in May. We are experiencing the same type thing. We were new to this congregation several years ago and they were so cliquey, I tried to make friends with them to no avail. The minute we stopped going they were coming out of the woodwork wanting to be friends, calling and coming over uninvited. We've become sooo popular. We live near other JW's they just camp out over there and spy on us. Even Though I cannot answer the phone, even though I keep the drapes closed on the weekends, I have an immense sense of freedom and it is worth the trouble. Hang in there.


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