Many youngsters, even ones brought up in "the truth", are leaving the organization, some never to return. They're not doing so because they want to party or gain wealth (as the Society would have you believe) but they are doing so because they are not stupid. It is no longer 1974. People have much more information at their fingertips these days and nobody is closer to the signal of the internet than young people. It's far easier to prove that the WBTS is full of dingoes kidneys than it used to be. Before it took trips to libraries all over the state. Now a simple internet search taking seconds is all you need.
Young men are not growing into ministerial servants and elders. In my congregation, all of the ministerial servants and elders are in the 45-65 range with one exception. Older men are even carrying the microphones (what a privilege!) because there are no young ones in the congregation who are eligible to do so.
I am 38 now. Between the ages of 20 and 25 I was a ministerial servant. I stopped after a while and I feel sorry for anyone who is still enslaved to that degree. Every now and then the society tries to make us feel bad because we as men don't have any congregation responsibilities but I let that slide off my back. (The only reason I am still attending is so my family isn't destroyed by the WBTS.) They even tell sisters that if the man they are interested in doesn't have any responsibilities in the kingdom hall, that he's worthless.
I said all of that, though, to ask this question:
What are their plans to deal with this problem in the next 10-20 years? If things go as they are, older brothers will die off or become less useful in the congregation. With nobody to fill their shoes, what does the Society plan to do? I can see this turning into a huge problem and in some places I am told it already is. Some reasonably large congregations have to function with 4-5 older elders because there is nobody to replace them and take the reins.
Personally, I am just hoping for collapse but I don't know what the WBTS has up their sleeves to fix this.