Did YOU Really Care about "The Friends"?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Honestly, did you really care about everyone in your Hall?

    Everyone gripes about how the majority of elders never cared but were YOU one who regularly showed how much you cared for the "brothers and sisters"? I'll bet we all share some guilt in this. The way the Organization tried to control our every action, it was very difficult to extend yourself and still take care of the other most important "theocratic" activities.

    What's your thought on this?

  • Quirky1

    Everyone?? No. A select few? Yes. You could tell which ones were really sincere in their thoughts and efforts and you knew the ones who were nuthin' but a bunch of brown-nosing a$$holes.

    I still see a couple who I consider freinds because they didn't label you because of yourself or your childrens actions.

  • minimus

    There were some JWs that were just complainers. No matter what you tried to do, it wasn't enough.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Honestly, did you really care about everyone in your Hall?

    everyone? Hell no. I can think of one jackass elder I still cannot stand. He could drop over now in front of me and I wouldnt do anything for him.

    Overall, I cared for most everyone, and took my responsibilities as an elder seriously.

    I wish I had taken my responsibilities as a human being with more seriousness. That's not permitted in Dubville.

    Snakes ( )

  • SnakesInTheTower



    No..There were alot of A-holes..Always willing to turn someone,in for the most petty BullSh*t.................

    Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Number1Anarchist

    Hell No!

    Have you ever watched a Zombie movie where the Humans were friendly with the Zombies?

    I never turned Zombie and they new it and would try to eat my brains!

    I hate Zombies!

  • BurnTheShips

    I was too busy trying to keep up to have the energy to care much for anyone else.


  • Sunspot

    I can say that I found more that I liked that those I truly disliked. I did make some pretty amazing friends over 30 years......so many I can say I honestly loved, but their "mutual love and friendship" all vanished the day I walked away from what the men in Brooklyn were currently teaching. Such is the Watchtower Society.



  • slimboyfat

    There are some I like quite a lot, I have known since childhood, and a few others I don't care for. Actually some of the ones I didn't like moved to another hall recently. They did not move house they just moved KH, the naughty beggars.

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