If there were no dumbasses, the world would be a better place. And yes, with no religion we'd have a good start on that goal.
Would the world be a better place if there was no religion?
by LouBelle 23 Replies latest jw friends
LOUBELLE- You betcha ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I dont know if the world would be a better place if there was no religion.
I think we are living on a slave planet being manipulated by evil masters.
If we got rid of religion they would probably find another way to manipulate us.
We need to get rid of the evil masters.
At least with religion we know who one faction of the enemy is.
Who ever encourages us to do things that are not for our best interest is the enemy.
Religion has created many problems where none needed to exist. It has stifled science. It has created so many taboos with natural functions that people feel inherently imperfect. It has caused people to be less reliant on themselves, relying on external authorities instead. It has wasted much material, much time, and much energy from people. It has caused wars and strife.
Most of them have a class of people that are in sequestered service. The Catholic church has its monks, who waste their lives doing what someone else tells them and wastes time in church service 7 times a day (including at 2 AM!). The Jehovah's Witlesses have Beth Hell. And most of the Protestant denominations, and the Islams, have something that is equivalent. Imagine if, instead of wasting their lives for that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag God, those monks and Beth Hellites were doing something productive in society.