Where Are All of the JWs From Years Ago Now?

by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    When I look back, since I was born in the 50s, I see MOST oldtimers that I grew up are still connected to the Organization. That is, those who were in the 50s and 60s.

    Those that came in the 70s seemed to leave, pretty much. The ones that came in the 80s and 90s seemed to be mostly mentally unbalanced and some still go to the meetings but many suffer from depression and are not as active as they "should" be.

    Are most of the Witnesses that you knew still practicing or are they gone?

  • Priest73

    don't currently know any.

  • slimboyfat

    The bulk of our congregation seems to have come in during the early 1970s with a trickle since then.

  • minimus

    They are a dying breed.

  • Quirky1

    Min, I haven't seen too many newbies, besides my dumb a$$, in the hall when I attended. Most of them were already there, moved in, etc.. Some of the younger ones that moved to the area moved away a year or so later, couldn't handle the cliques. Whether they are still JW's I dunno. Another couple we used to hang with don't frequent the KH like they used to. They may not even go anymore.

  • beksbks

    I don't even know of any Dubs anymore. One aunt that still has some contact with my mother (in between assemblies ).

  • RR

    Most of them are here!

  • steve2

    Apart from my family still inside, I don't have too much current knowledge on who is and isn't showing up at the Hall. I guess it would be helpful to make a distinction between seat-warmers and active JWs. Judging from the latest available figures, growth in active publishers has dramatically slowed. From what I am hearing, most of the new growth is from immigrants from third world countries.

  • minimus

    I think there are some groups of people who always will remain within the confines of their group no matter what. It's there safety.

  • crapola

    Many of the older ones have died,some have moved away and some have just faded away. I don't have much contact with any one from the KH anymore except for family.

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