Got A Letter From A JW

by JW Walking Away 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    This is amazing stuff ,what shows the cult influence is the number of people who have suffered a similar tirade.

    I got the same almost word for word from my "loving" Law who said "Enjoy the rest of your life" "Your dad must be spinning in his grave"

    "it's so sad your sons have no one to lead them now" and other encouraging words.I think if I wasn't at the time certain that it was a cult that I

    could never return to I would have been after that conversation.



  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I'd be glad I ddin't live in her territory! Can you feel the love? Her sister's liver isn't failing because she left the truth, its probably because she had hep C or drank heavily. Satan didn't do it, she did. Silly JW's. I wouldn't reply, I'd just let it roll off my back. W.Once

  • inkling
    hope you enjoy your new found life for however short it will be.

    "Thanks, will do.

    And I hope YOU enjoy wasting the only life you have."


    Crazy EyesI don't even know you but I just want to cry for you that Satan actually won out.Crazy Eyes

    ..............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    they don't even realize how full of crap they are.


    This is why I don't have quite as much venom towards this kind of person as I used to. They truly believe their own BS, and are genuinely concerned for your eternal life. It's actually "love", just based on a totally irrational premise.

    (BTW, wondering if my use of the quote feature worked. We'll see after I click.)


  • kurtbethel

    I have also had a few emails from mental patients who were not getting treatment. I replied to a couple of them, but it was unproductive. Reasoned discourse requires that all participants are capable of rationality, and that emailer appears to be a few birds short of a flock.

  • primitivegenius

    "My other sister is married to a Total abuser and she is the BEST ever faithful to Jehovah after 20 yrs"

    should wright back.......... so is he the presiding overseer, or just one of the other elders?

  • Mary

    OK, I just got a response from this twit.....She sounds somewhat panicked and asked me who is this mutual friend and what congregation do I attend? Here's what I responded:

    "I'm from the Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin Congregation. It's a new congregation in a secret location that I can't reveal. Given all the New Light that we've had in the last couple of years, I believe this is a most appropriate name don't you think? I really hope you are enjoying the information I sent you.....Truly it is Spiritual Food at the proper time. Agape love, Mary :-)

  • kurtbethel


    Very good!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Oh yes, by all means go back to J. E. Hoover because something in your life sucks, not because you love the phalic-less Him.

    Your life is judged to be short by a person, not a deity.

    Others suffered deaths of their children because they weren't JW's. She made it sound like it was because of it.

    No where is it mentioned the wonderfulness of their supreme deity and how the never-been-a-He deserves such devotion. Nowhere.

    These are reasons to NOT go back!

    I'll bet it's a relief to be deleted from that crazy person's e-mail list.

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