This is getting really boring. But the more you type the worse it gets for you Flyinghighnow.
Flyinghighnow said:..." Vinny, I didn't say you are snide. I said you SOUND like JW's who tend to be snide in their feelings towards people, even their own "brothers and sisters", due to their so called superior JW morals and standards. To say you sound like them in their lack of empathy or sympathy is not judging you. It's telling you what you sound like.
**** If a man wants to beat cancer, live until they find cure, fight fight fight this thing, kick its ass etc , then smoking cigarettes just ain't the ticket. THAT is my point. Nothing snide about it. No "superiority complex". Just stating an honest opinion. You for some reason don't like that. Sorry, but it's a public site, opinions are usually a good thing on public sites. I also said numerous positive and sympathetic things about Patrick Swayze and his wife. Did you read those? Yet you try sticking some "JW", "snide", "superiority" tags on me.
Flyinghighnow says:... "Okay, so you'd kick your brother's ass if he smoked and had cancer. But hopefully you'd see the human side of the equation as well."
**** If you tried READING what I wrote, you'd see plenty of that as well. Try taking off those WT blinders and maybe you'll see a more complete picture. Should I post all the nice things I said for you too? By kicking my brothers fanny, if he smoked cigarettes while saying he really wants to live, I meant it in a nice, caring way. He would know that I love him and would give him a hard time for smoking because of this.
Flyinhighynow says:.. "Did I say there is nothing wrong with smoking when you have cancer? No I didn't. You put those words in my mouth.
**** Where did I say this or put those words in your mouth?
This is what I mean, the more you type the worse it gets for you. So then, if you DO see a problem with a man that says over and over again he wants to beat cancer and live until they find a cure, kick its ass etc, but yet is still smoking cigarettes, then guess what? We agree. So I reckon that makes both of us like "snide", "superior" JW's.
How about that!
Flyinghighnow says:.. "I am telling you that none of us, you included, do everything we can to be perfectly healthy and to prevent or fight cancer. Do you avoid everything you know that causes heart disease and cancer? If you're honest, I am betting you would have to say no."
**** WTF.
This has nothing to do with anything I said about Patrick Swayze. What a hoot!
So, according to Flyinghighnow, unless Vinny is living a perfect life, avoiding all possible contaminants and life style decisions that may lead to cancer (and now she throws heart disease in there for good measure I guess... LOL), then Vinny has no right to give opinions that Patrick Swayze's smoking is a bad move if he wants to kick cancer's ass.
Amazing things today from flyinghighnow.
Flyingalittlelower then says:.. "I knew a lady who was 88 years old. Her doctor told her to change her diet radically for health purposes. She told me that she was going to die soon enough anyway, so she might as well enjoy her last years as much as possible. She didn't want to eat rabbit food and unsalted food. I couldn't blame her for feeling the way she did."
**** I have no problems doing just that, if that's what somebody wants to do. Many people live each day this way as well. Live it up, soon we're going to die. Good for them then.
BUT, if you are going to say from the one side of your mouth how much you want to (((LIVE))) until they find a cure, that you will fight the cancer, kick its ass, take treatments of Chemo, make more movies, love your wife etc etc etc; BUT THEN FROM TE OTHER SIDE OF YOUR MOUTH KEEP SMOKING CIGARETTES, then most folks can see a contradiction and problem here.
And THAT is what I brought up. I also said many kind things as well. But for some reason you skipped all that. But Vinny gets tagged the snide, superior JW.
Flyinghigh concludes:.. "Why pick apart what Patrick said? Have you ever been told you have only a short time to live? You don't know what you'd do. You can't know until you're walking that road."
**** Here we go again... According to Flyinghighnow, unless Vinny has been told by the good Doctor that he has a short time to live (in addition to avoiding all lifestyles and contaminants that cause cancer and heart disease) then vinny cannot offer any opinion at all about somebody else in that situation. Okay Flyinghigh, I see your point now. What took me so long! I have been corrected and saved. I have been rightfully (and appreciatively) counseled by Flyinghighnow for making an opinion without having first been told I have a short time to live. And while possibly not doing everything I possibly can to avoid every possible threat/contaminate/lifestyle change to avoid cancer and heart disease. But now, thanks to flyinghigh's good counsel, I know better. Silly me. Vinny