Sane people define spiritual an inner way of being, of growing closer to the Source or Higher Power. It is "fostering a transcendent experience that lies beyond all names and yet the experience longs to be articulated and made concrete in everyday living. It is easier to describe what spiritual direction does than what spiritual direction is. Spiritual direction helps us learn how to live in peace, with compassion, promoting justice, as humble servants of that which lies beyond all names."
I like that definition of spirituality.
Note that sane people understand that from this way of being, there is a longing to act it out in everyday living. In other words, first you BE spiritual, then you will ACT like spiritual people act. That makes perfect sense.
Now, what is the Watchtower's take on spirituality? It is completely the OPPOSITE of everyone else's understand of spirituality. First you ACT by doing stuff and only THEN can you BECOME spiritual. This makes no logical sense, does it? Normal people first become spiritual, and out of that spirituality, they do spiritual things. Jehovah's Witnesses first DO "spiritual" things, and out of a lot of doing, they BECOME spiritual? Bad people who run around doing good works are spiritual and good people who don't run around doing good works are not? Huh?
It is important to understand this, since as we all know it is the Watchtower and ONLY the Watchtower that speaks for God, and SURELY God must know what being spiritual is all about! Since God knows what being spiritual is all about and since only the Watchtower can convey what God thinks, and since being spiritual is the primary goal for all Christians, then logically, the Watchtower MUST know all about what spirituality really is.
I was universally considered very spiritual when I was a dubbie. I was a spiritual role model to people my age. I sold books, and I was a jerk. But at least I was spiritual!
As it is to be expected, rather than just have a simple understanding of what it means to be spiritual, the Watchtower has to attach degrees to spirituality, degrees that are judgmental. There are only two degrees of spirituality that I recall from my Watchtower days:
"Spiritually Strong", and "Spiritually Weak." There is no such thing as "Really, Really, Spiritually Super strong", or no such thing as "Spiritually Medium", or no such thing as "a Spiritual Loser." Yet. Perhaps the Watchtower folks are reading this thread, and maybe taking notes, so maybe we'll see those designations pop up in future literature.
Maybe they might come up with a little badge that all dubs have to wear that carries their current spiritual "grade." It could be sort of like a TMS grading sheet for talks.
"SS" - super-spiritual superstar.
"S" - spiritually strong.
"A" - spiritually average (a "C" grade in school)
"F" - falling in spiritually.
"L" - spiritual loser.
"W" - spiritual weenie
"DA" - disfellowshiped/disassociated spiritual asshole.
"DASLA" - "demonized apostate spiritual loser asshole.
Since dubs spend a good portion of their lives evaluating and re-evaluating every one else's spirituality but their own, it is important to remember that everything a dub does or says is recorded somewhere by various members and leaders of the Congregation. This way their spiritual report card is always current and in tip-top condition!
There is a screening process that constantly goes on for determining someone's spirituality. It goes something like this:
Pioneer who meets hour goals - "S" or "SS" ranking
Regular publisher who attends all meetings - "S" or "A" ranking
Irregular publisher - "F" ranking
Inactive publisher - "L" ranking
Pain-in-the-ass regular publisher - "W" ranking
Keep in mind that you can drop from "Super Spiritual Superstar" to "Demonized Apostate Spiritual Loser Asshole" in the space of 5 minutes by merely asking a few unapproved questions.
Now, I haven't forgotten to mention that meeting attendance or lack of it is also taken into consideration when ranking a dub's spirituality. The formula is complicated and beyond the scope of this topic. It involves calculus and I was never any good at calculus.
An outsider might be wondering how a dub's perceived spirituality is affected by the dub's kindness, compassion, charity, support, love, forgiveness and tenderness towards others.
Wonder no more! That stuff doesn't mean shit! Nada! Zero! Zilch!
In my personal experience as a dub, some of the biggest assholes I've ever known were considered "spiritually strong" and some of the finest people I've ever known were considered "spiritually weak."
Maybe the Watchtower better give God a call and ask Him why that is.