Revealed: Prisca the pyromaniac!

by ozziepost 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    It came as a surprise to those gathering for the Sydney Apostofest BBQ today to find that Prisca is a pyromaniac.

    This previously well-concealed aspect of Prisca's personality was seen by all as she broke free from all previous guidelines and laid waste to that wood!

    Arriving early, perhaps to show bbq expert Older Tom a thing or two about lighting fires, she gathered the plentiful supply of wood and underbrush. Lit them with fire-sticks (did she cheat by using some flammable liquid?) and when the next carload of happy bbq-ers arrived , there was the smoke billowing forth from what was to become a glorious bbq.

    Today's bbq had a couple of innovations, aussie style.

    Firstly, breaking away from the australian 'worldly' tradition of "men only" cooking the meat, Mrs Ozzie struck a blow against male chauvenism by taking charge of the cooking. Now that was real innovation!

    Secondly, Hippikon decided that we should be more understanding of our cross-Tasman cousins, the New Zealanders and that the hand of friendship should be extended. So we all drank together a very fine Merlot from New Zealand. How surprised some were to find such a fine wine originate in NZ. BTW it was a Nicks Head Merlot 1998 from Gisborne, NZ. Very fine, thanks Hippy!

    As you can tell, the Sydney apostofest gatherers are a very sophisticated bunch, at the 'cutting edge' of modern thought.

    Strange though it may seem, there's never a cross word at these regular two-monthly gatherings. We think it's because there are two things never mentioned. Remember how it goes, for a peaceful party never talk about religion or politics. Well, we have no trouble with that. For a start, we wouldn't talk about religion 'cos we remember that "religion is a snare and a racket"; the Watchtower told us that. So we don't talk about that.

    Then there's politics. Well, we don't talk about that either 'cos the Watchtower told us how bad they (the politicians) were and that they were part of Satan's system. So we don't talk about politics.

    So we find a very friendly happy atmosphere prevails. What we DO talk about is the experiences each one has had that caused them to have their eyes opened to the truth about "the troof". Usually, it's the elders interfering or bullying etc that has caused the aussie crowd to break free. Thanks guys!

    After enjoying quite a bit of the array of red wine displayed on the tables, enjoying some fruit tarts (well, it is Xmas!), it was time to pile into the cars and head down the steep hill, through the gum trees, and see the setting sun glistening across the water.

    Aaahhh, that's an apostofest bbq, aussie style!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • siegswife

    It sounds like y'all know how to

  • Englishman

    When you said that Prisca was smoulderin' I assumed that someone had invited Tina along.....


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I liked your writting style on this one, made feel like I was there.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • DannyBear


    Sounds like you guys had a great time.

    I could spend the whole time talking about fine wine, let alone the nuances of bbqing big slabs of meat.

    Not talking about politics and religion is good advice..believe me I have learned.

    So did the infamous Wallaby Jack make an appearance? If so, how the hell did you get away with no arguing?

    Nice report, would surely love to join you sometime.


  • think41self

    Hey Ozzie!

    Man, I wish I could come join one of your famous barbies.

    So Prisca's a pyro, eh? What other dirty little secrets can you share about her...or anyone else from the group? Prisca, if I were there, I would help you light the fires


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • VeniceIT

    hahah ohh man I wish I'd gone to an apostafest when I was in AU rather then the conv!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • waiting

    A good fire,
    The smell of bbq filling the air,
    Fine friends
    Excellent wine
    And an Aussie sunset,

    Can it get much better? Doubt it. Glad your famous aussie bbq's are such a success. Well done! Well done!


  • DannyBear


    You don't even have to be there, my do just fine in 'lighting fires' sitting behind your keyboard!

    I was given a pair of studded leather jock straps for my birthday once, I was 35yr old...never did wear it...I would only if accompanied with these tantalizing 'spankings' you have been so successful in getting me interested in. It's ok Free, its the spanking's not the particular spank'er that matter's. Oh me.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Ah Ozzie: What a lovely picture you paint for us!!! And way to go Mrs. Ozzie and Prisca....taking charge of the cooking and the fire!!!

    Those Aussie bbq's were discussed at one of our little gatherings in Toronto and the suggestion was made to do that here too in the warmer weather. The suggestion was met with a lot of enthusiasm so here's hoping....

    It does make for an enjoyable time for sure to be able to see that, as you said "a very friendly happy atmosphere prevails. What we DO talk about is the experiences each one has had that caused them to have their eyes opened to the truth about "the troof"."

    As "waiting" said:

    A good fire,
    The smell of bbq filling the air,
    Fine friends
    Excellent wine
    And an Aussie sunset,
    except we'll watch the Canadian sunset of course!

    What more could we ask for!!!!! Just maybe that we all could enjoy those things with you folks too, either here or there!!!!! sigh..maybe someday

    Had Enough

    "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    ...Margaret Mead

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