I don't see much of a difference between Islamic Jihadists and Watchtower Jihadists.
Islamic Jihadists think only they have the truth.
Watchtower Jihadists think only they have the truth.
Islamic Jihadists want to kill everyone who disagrees with their beliefs.
Watchtower Jihadists want God to kill everyone who disagrees with their beliefs.
Any questioning of Islamic Jihadists' beliefs will result in death.
Any questioning of Watchtower Jihadists' beliefs will result in death.
Islamic Jihadists have no problem with innocent babies and children being brutally murdered for their cause.
Watchtower Jihadists have no problem with innocent babies and children being brutally murdered for their cause.
Islamic Jihadists have wacky beliefs like those who die for their cause will be rewarded with 72 virgin women in paradise.
Watchtower Jihadists have wacky beliefs like those who die for their cause won't even be allowed to have sex or marry in paradise.
Islamic Jihadists' main cause is to have a world government administered by them.
Watchtower Jihadists' main cause is to have a world government administered by them.
Islamic Jihadists think women are chattel.
Watchtower Jihadists think women are chattel.
Islamic Jihadists sincerely believe they are engaged in a holy war.
Watchtower Jihadists sincerely believe they are engaged in a holy war.
When there is a dispute between an Islamic Jihadist and his wife, the man is always right.
When there is a dispute between a Watchtower Jihadist and his wife, the man is always right.
Islamic Jihadists hide out in caves.
Watchtower Jihadists hide out in Kingdom Halls, which aren't that much different from caves.
Islamic Jihadists use weapons of mass destruction.
Watchtower Jihadists use books of mass destruction.
Islamic Jihadists are always suspicious of each other.
Watchtower Jihadists are always suspicious of each other.
Islamic Jihadists have no regard for other's lives.
Watchtower Jihadists have no regard for other's lives.
Islamic Jihadists claim to belong to a religion of peace.
Watchtower Jihadists claim to belong to a religion of peace.
Islamic Jihadists instantly commit suicide by blowing themselves up.
Watchtower Jihadists slowly commit suicide by wasting their lives selling worthless books.
Islamic Jihadists punish their members by chopping off their hands.
Watchtower Jihadists punish their members by chopping off their families and friends.
You can't reason with an Islamic Jihadist. His mind is made up.
You can't reason with a Watchtower Jihadist. His mind is made up.
Islamic Jihadists think drinking alcohol is wrong, but massacre of humans is good.
Many Watchtower Jihadists are drunks who also think massacre of humans is good.
Islamic Jihadists molest and rape little girls, claiming it is the girl's fault
Watchtower Jihadists molest and rape little girls, claiming it is the girl's fault.
Islamic Jihadists follow and believe an unbelievably violent and sadistic "holy book."
Watchtower Jihadists follow and believe an unbelievably violent and sadistic "holy book."
Islamic Jihadists think Watchtower Jihadists are evil.
Watchtower Jihadists think Islamic Jihadists are evil.