Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-11-09 WT Study (STRAY)

by blondie 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-11-09 WT Study (November 15, 2008, pages (8-12)(STRAY)Review comments will be in red
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations

    Also posted on

    "Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost."--LUKE 15:6


    Are the inactive still part of the "flock," the congregation of jws? Note comments by the WTS to the contrary in this article?


    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***
    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.


    Q 1. How has Jesus proved to be a loving shepherd?

    JEHOVAH'S only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is called "the great shepherd of the sheep." (Heb. 13:20) The Scriptures foretold his coming and showed that he was a unique Shepherd who sought to find the "lost sheep" of Israel. (Matt. 2:1-6; 15:24) Moreover, as a literal shepherd might give his life in order to protect his sheep, Jesus died as a ransom sacrifice for sheep like ones who would avail themselves of his sacrifice. -John 10:11, 15; 1 John 2:1,2.

    Great Shepherd--Jesus or Jehovah?


    *** w06 5/15 p. 17 Highlights From Book One of Psalms ***
    Jehovah is praised as the Creator and the Lawgiver in Psalm 19, as the Savior in Psalm 20, and as the Savior of his anointed King in Psalm 21. Psalm 23 depicts him as the Great Shepherd...


    *** w05 11/1 p. 20 par. 20 Jehovah Is Our Shepherd ***
    However, as his sheep, we have the responsibility to walk with our great Shepherd, Jehovah.

    But Jesus is the Fine Shepherd per the WTS.


    *** w96 1/15 p. 15 par. 1 Jehovah’s Sheep Need Tender Care ***
    The Fine Shepherd, Jesus Christ, loves us so much that he surrendered his soul for us.—John 10:7-15.

    Or is it?


    *** w00 7/1 p. 28 Christian Shepherds, ‘Open Wide Your Heart’! ***
    God’s only-begotten Son also experienced the loving care of Jehovah, and he perfectly mirrored this care in his dealings with his disciples during his earthly sojourn. The Scriptures therefore refer to him as “the fine shepherd,” “the great shepherd,” and “the chief shepherd.”—John 10:11; Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 5:2-4.

    What confidence did you have that any (a few exceptions) or the body elders would give their lives for you...die for you...give up a minute of their time away from the KH for you?

    Q 2. What may have caused some Christians to become inactive?

    2. Sadly, some who seemed to appreciate Jesus' sacrifice and made a dedication to God no longer associate with the Christian congregation. Discouragement, health problems, or other factors may have weakened their zeal and caused them to become inactive. However, only as part of God's flock can they enjoy the serenity and happiness that David spoke of in the 23rd Psalm. For instance, he sang: "Jehovah is my Shepherd. I shall lack nothing." (Ps. 23:1) Those in the flock of God lack nothing in a spiritual way, but that is not the happy lot of sheep who have strayed. Who can assist them? How can aid be provided? Indeed, what can be done to help them return to the flock?

    Christian congregation = only jws

    Reasons: Discouragement, health problems, (lazy, materialistic, committed "serious" sin, offended by sin of another jw that was not dealt with but swept under the rug, lying by elders, hateful gossip by "mature" jws, hiding pedophiles) Where is the term "inactive" in the bible, that is not having turned in time to an elder for 6 months consecutively?

    Based on the quote in Opening Comments, are "inactive" jws no longer part of the flock? Are only jws happy then? Then those who have "strayed" have no more access to the Bible which is from God?


    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***
    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.

    Who Can Help?

    Q 3. How did Jesus show what is needed to rescue lost sheep of God's pasturage?

    3. Earnest effort is required to rescue lost sheep of God's pasturage. (Ps. 100:3) Jesus illustrated this when he said: "If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety­nine that have not strayed. Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish." (Matt. 18:12-14) Who can help sheeplike individuals who have strayed from the flock?

    Earnest effort--such as stopping by unannounced every 7 years? Or the drive bys that elders did where they only looked at the house to determine if someone was home, and then drove by? Can other jws help "inactive" without elder supervision? I was told that only spiritually strong (as determined by the elders) could endanger themselves by having contact. That they could only talk about spiritual things, not doing social things together.


    *** w01 10/1 pp. 17-18 par. 17 How Can You Help a “Prodigal” Child? ***
    What about a youth who is not disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation but who has become weak in faith? “If one member suffers,” wrote the apostle Paul, “all the other members suffer with [him].” (1 Corinthians 12:26) Others can take an active interest in such a youth. Of course, a measure of caution is needed, since a spiritually ailing youth could adversely influence other young ones. (Galatians 5:7-9) In one congregation, well-meaning adults who wanted to help some youths who had become spiritually weak invited them to gatherings to play popular music together. Though the youths readily complied and enjoyed such sessions, their influence on one another eventually led them to cut their ties with the congregation. (1 Corinthians 15:33; Jude 22, 23)

    Q 4, 5. Elders need to have what attitude toward God's flock?

    4. If Christian elders are to help sheep who have strayed, they must bear in mind that the flock of God is a congregation of people dedicated to Jehovah--yes, a precious 'flock of God's pasturage.' (Ps. 79:13) Such dear sheep need tender care, and this means that loving shepherds must take a personal interest in them. Making friendly shepherding calls on them can be very effective. Loving encouragement that a shepherd gives them may build them up spiritually and increase their desire to return to the flock.-1 Cor. 8: 1.

    Aren't these Jesus' sheep; isn't he the "great shepherd"? Using an OT scripture leads to the confusion.

    precious...tender care...personal...friendly?

    I can remember elders who never talked to the rank and file except a insincere, "Hi, how are you?" as the walked away without waiting for a response...or always called us to get the phone number of people in the book study, or did not know the name of the children even after 10years...or didn't know where they lived since they had never been to their house...or did not know the name of the non-jw spouse when visiting the
    hospital to impress them with their caring personality?

    5. Shepherds of God's flock have the duty to search for sheep who have strayed and then to try to help them. The apostle Paul reminded Christian elders from ancient Ephesus of their shepherding responsibilities when he said: "Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son." (Acts 20:28) Similarly, the apostle Peter gave anointed old­er men this exhortation: "Shepherd the flock of God in your care, not under compulsion, but willingly; neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; neither as lording it over those who are God's inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock." -1 Pet. 5:1-3.

    Yes, jw elders feel it is a "duty" to search, a chore, a weight, a responsibility, not something to enjoy.

    If the elders truly had Christlike love, why does the WTS have to tell them to do it, why send a letter or have annual articles, or have the CO check up to see that they did it.

    Acts 20:28--Theme scripture for the jw elder manual--the true bible with supplementary rules from the WTS, COs, DOs, BOE letters, which count as more important than scripture--what scripture changed taking a blood transfusion from a df'ing offense to da'ing? Even that is not in writing in the elder manual.

    One young elder was told to put his scriptures away at the elders meeting as that elder held up the manual and said everything they needed to know was in that book.

    Q 6. Why do God's sheep especially need the care of shepherds today?

    6. Christian shepherds need to imitate "the fine shepherd," Jesus. (John 10:11) He was deeply concerned about God's sheep and stressed the importance of caring for them when he told Simon Peter to 'shepherd His little sheep.' (Read John 21:15-17.) Especially do the sheep need such care today, for the Devil has intensified his efforts to break the integrity of those dedicated to God. Satan takes advantage of fleshly weaknesses and uses the world in an attempt to lead Jehovah's sheep into sinful activities. (1 John 2: 15-17; 5:19) Inactive ones are particularly vulnerable and therefore need assistance in order to apply the admonition to 'walk by spirit.' (Gal. 5:16-21, 25) Helping such sheep calls for prayerful reliance on God, the guidance of his spirit, and skillful use of his Word. -Prov. 3:5, 6; Luke 11:13; Heb. 4:12.

    Do elders imitate the FINE shepherd, Jesus?

    How would they have treated the woman with the blood discharge who touched Jesus and rendered him unclean?
    Would they have touched lepers to heal them?
    Would they have eaten with sinning fellow Jews?
    Would they have touched a dead body?

    Jehovah's sheep (Jesus' sheep?)--only jws

    Are they suggesting that jws who stop turning in time (the true meaning of "inactive" and has nothing really to do with meeting attendance) cannot resist sin? Are they suggesting that all non-jws are gross sinners?

    Trinity: prayer, holy spirit, bible---suggesting that they don't pray, have holy spirit, or read the bible?

    Q 7. How important is it for elders to shepherd sheeplike ones in their care?

    7. A shepherd in ancient Israel used a long curved staff, or crook, to guide his flock. As the sheep entered or left the pen, they would 'pass under the crook' and could thus be counted by the shepherd. (Lev. 27:32; Mic. 2: 12; 7: 14) A Christian shepherd likewise needs to know and keep track of the flock of God under his care. (Compare Proverbs 27:23.) Therefore, shepherding is one of the important matters discussed by the body of elders. This includes making arrangements to help sheep who have strayed. Jehovah himself said that he would search for his sheep and give them the care they needed. (Ezek. 34: 11) So God is pleased when elders take similar steps in an effort to help sheep who have strayed to return to the flock.

    Yes, the only notice by the elders in the head count at the meetings.

    How many really know the name, phone number, address of people at the KH. Yes, the WTS finally had to make them do it, how have the elders been doing?

    Discussed at elders meetings.................only the obligatory annual visit required by the WTS and checked up on by the CO. Did they call recently? Another mandate from the WTS. No, maybe you were a drive by.

    Q 8. In what ways can elders give the sheep personal attention?

    8. When a fellow believer is physically sick, the visit of a shepherd of God's flock can be a source of joy and encouragement. The same can be the case when a spiritually ailing sheep is given personal attention. Elders may read scriptures, review an article, discuss meeting highlights, pray with the inactive one, and so forth. They can point out that members of the congregation would be delighted to see him come back to
    congregation meetings. (2 Cor. 1:3-7; Jas. 5:13-15) A visit, a telephone call, or a letter can mean so much! Giving personal help to a sheep missing from the flock can also increase the joy of the compassionate Christian shepherd.

    First the elders have to know you are physically sick, or better yet believe that you are telling the truth about being ill. I can remember many elders saying they would not go to the hospital and sent their wives instead or an eager to be an elder MS. Isn't that what you want to have someone drop by when your hair is a mess, in a hospital gown, and feel like crap, to entertain the elders?

    "review an article"--my experience was that the elder who throw down a photocopied article and then leave.

    So they elder brings secondhand greetings from the rank and file. How will people visit since they have neither your address or phone number?

    A Cooperative Effort

    Q 9, 10. Why would you say that concern for a sheep who has strayed is not limited to the elders?

    9. We live in busy and critical times, so it is possible that we might not notice that a fellow believer is drifting away from the congregation. (Heb. 2:1) Yet, Jehovah's sheep are precious in his sight. Everyone of them has value, as does each member, or part,of the human body. Hence, all of us need to show concern for our brothers and truly care for one another. (1 Cor. 12:25) Do you have such an attitude?

    Now the WTS gives the rank and file an out, saying they are too busy to notice that someone is missing meetings and field service, out of 20 people in a book (now field service) group? The shepherd had 100 sheep and noticed that one was missing. Does the rank and file value the "weak"?

    ALL of us, need to SHOW, TRULY care?

    10. Although the elders take the lead in searching for and helping sheep who have strayed, concern for missing fellow believers is not limited to Christian overseers. Others can cooperate with these shepherds. We can and should offer encouragement and spiritual aid to our brothers and sisters who need help to return to the flock. How may such assistance be given? Are the rank and file encouraged to take the lead, or wait "cooperate" till the elders tell them who to have contact with? Are inactive treated like they are df'd already? Is it encouraging to have someone call up and tell you that you "should come back to the meetings" and have all your problems go away, especially when you were attending they were complaining about all the problems they had with people at the KH?

    SHOULD--where is the love?

    Q 11, 12. How might you be privileged to assist one who needs some spiritual assistance?

    11. In some cases, the elders may arrange for experienced Kingdom publishers to conduct a personal Bible study with inactive ones who express a desire to be given assistance. The purpose of such efforts is to rekindle in such ones "the love [they] had at first." (Rev. 2:1,4) These fellow believers can be built up and strengthened spiritually by considering material they missed while they were absent from the congregation.

    It is not required to have this "Bible" study (really a review of WTS doctrine you might have missed when you were out), but you aren't seen as obedient. This person can "count" the time and a bible study with you. It also gives them an opportunity to find out if you committed a disfellowshipable offense while you were out...they will tell the elders if you tell confidentiality.


    *** km 11/98 p. 7 Question Box ***

    Is it still appropriate to conduct a home Bible study with an inactive brother or sister at the direction of one of the members of the Congregation Service Committee?

    The elders have the responsibility to shepherd the congregation, including any members who have become inactive. They visit such ones and determine what personal assistance is needed. Where appropriate, this could include offering the inactive one the benefit of a personal Bible study. Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry, page 103, explains that the Congregation Service Committee would decide who might benefit from
    such a provision.

    The service overseer determines who could best provide the assistance, what subjects should be studied, and which publication would be the most helpful. Perhaps the one who originally studied with the person or someone he has known and respected would be in a good position to help. A capable and mature sister may be asked to assist an inactive sister. Usually it would not be necessary for another publisher to accompany the assigned conductor. When assigned, the publisher conducting the study may count the time, the return visits, and the study.—See November 1987 Our Kingdom Ministry, pages 1-2.

    Since the student is a baptized person, generally the study need not be continued for a prolonged period of time. The goal is to assist the inactive one to resume attendance at all congregation meetings and to become a regular publisher of the good news. The service overseer will monitor the progress of such studies. The result of this loving assistance should be that these brothers and sisters will be able to shoulder their own load of responsibility before Jehovah and become firmly “rooted and established” in the truth.—Eph. 3:17; Gal. 6:5.

    12. If the elders invite you to study with a fellow believer needing some spiritual assistance, pray that Jehovah direct and bless your efforts. Indeed, "roll your works upon Jehovah himself and your plans will be firmly established." (Prov. 16:3) Meditate on Bible texts and faith-strengthening points that you can use in discussions with those needing spiritual help. Reflect on the apostle Paul's excellent example. (Read Romans 1:11, 12.) Paul longed to see Christians in Rome in order to impart some spiritual gift to them so that they might be made firm. He also looked forward to an interchange of encouragement. Should we not have that spirit when we seek to help sheep who have strayed from the flock of God?

    Would these "experienced" jws study with the inactive if they could not count their time? What happens when the study is done? Do they still
    LONG to see them?

    Q 13. What might you discuss with an inactive one?

    13. During your discussions, you might ask, "How did you learn the truth?" Reminisce about past joys, encouraging the inactive one to speak about delightful experiences he has had at the meetings, in the preaching work, and at conventions. Comment on the happy times you may have had together in Jehovah's service. Speak about your joy in drawing close to Jehovah. (Jas. 4:

    Can you imagine if this "experienced" one has been selected by the elders because they already know the "inactive" one, how could they not

    know the jw history of this person? Is it possible to go to a KH for 20 years and have never been in the house or car of so-called "experienced" jws?

    If they had "happy times" together, why ask "how did you learn the truth"? It was probably learning the truth about the jws at your KH that made you stop going.

    his (God's) people--only jws

    Q 14, 15. It may be helpful to remind inactive ones of what blessings they once enjoyed?

    14. Quite likely, it will be beneficial to remind the inactive one of some of the blessings he once enjoyed as a result of close association with the congregation. For instance, there was the blessing of growing in knowledge of God's Word and purposes. (Prov. 4: 18) When he 'walked by spirit,' it was no doubt easier for him to resist temptations to sin. (Gal. 5:22-26) In turn, a clean conscience enabled him to approach Jehovah in prayer and to enjoy 'the peace of God that excels all thought and that guards our hearts and mental powers.' (Phil. 4:6, 7) Keep such points in mind, show sincere interest, and by all means lovingly encourage your spiritual brother or sister to return to the flock--Read Philippians 2:4.

    And what blessings might that be? Being avoided as "bad association"?

    Blessings: lied to by elders, gossiped about by their wives and others in the KH, pedophiles known to the elders secretly in the congregation, left out socially, defrauded.........

    Easier to resist temptation: So no adultery, fornication, pornography, fraud, theft in a jw KH?

    Clean conscience--assumption that an inactive jw automatically falls into "sin"?

    15. Suppose you are an elder making a shepherding call. You might encourage an inactive married couple to reflect on the time when they first learned the truth from God's Word. How wonderful, reasonable, satisfying, and spiritually liberating the truth was! (John 8:32) How their hearts swelled with gratitude for what they were learning about Jehovah, his love, and his splendid purposes! (Compare Luke 24:32.) Remind them of the close relationship with Jehovah and the wonderful privilege of prayer enjoyed by dedicated Christians. Earnestly encourage inactive ones to respond again to "the glorious good news of the happy God, Jehovah. -1 Tim.1:11.

    Did they learn the truth from the Bible or by reading older WTS publications?

    Where is their relationship with Jesus?

    Is the privilege prayer enjoyed only by jws?

    Continue to Show Them Love

    Q 16. Cite an example to show that efforts to provide spiritual help really are effective.

    16. Do the foregoing suggestions really work? Yes. For instance, one young person who started as a Kingdom publisher when he was 12 years old became inactive at the age of 15. He later became active, however, and has been in the full-time service for over 30 years. His spiritual recovery was largely due to the assistance given him by a Christian elder. How much that spiritual help was appreciated!

    When does a jw become inactive? Was he baptized at 12, where does it mention he was baptized at all? Is FT service then a goal for the inactive?

    Q 17, 18. What qualities will help you to assist someone who has strayed from the flock of God?

    17. It is love that motivates Christians to assist inactive ones to, return to the congregation. Regarding his followers, Jesus said: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." (John 13:34, 35) Yes, love is an identifying mark of true Christians. Should not that love be expressed for baptized Christians who may have become inactive? It certainly should! But providing needed help may call for the exercise of various godly qualities.

    Is it love or counting that time? Why does the WTS have to mandate calling on the inactive? Do jws even know who the inactive are in their congregation, where they live, what their phone number is (assuming even knew when they attended)?

    true Christians--only jws


    *** w83 2/15 p. 12 You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth—But How? ***
    A third requirement is that we be associated with God’s channel, his organization. God has always used an organization. For example, only those in the ark in Noah’s day survived the Flood, and only those associated with the Christian congregation in the first century had God’s favor. (Acts 4:12) Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it.

    18. If you are to help someone who has strayed from the flock of God, what qualities might you need to display? Besides love, you may need to show compassion, kindness, mildness, and long-suffering. Depending on the circumstances, you may also need to be forgiving. Paul wrote: “Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long-suffering. Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.”-Col. 3:12-14.

    What qualities--the same love you showed when you did not notice they were missing....not able to see the one out of 99?

    So who needs to be forgiving?

    Q 19. Why is it worthwhile to make the effort to help sheeplike ones return to the Christian fold?

    19. The next study article in this issue will consider reasons why some stray from God's flock. It will also show how those returning can expect to be received. As you study that article and reflect on this one, be assured that any effort you make with the hope of helping sheeplike ones return to the Christian fold is worthwhile. In the present system of things, many people spend an entire lifetime trying to amass wealth, but just one life is worth much more than all the money in the world. Jesus emphasized this in his illustration of the lost sheep. (Matt. 18:12-14) May you bear that point in mind as you make an earnest and urgent effort to help Jehovah's dear sheeplike ones who have strayed to return to the flock.

    Reasons why some "stray" have they really left the flock?.................amass wealth....did you feel that your one life was more important at the KH?

    How Would You Answer?

    What responsibility do Christian shepherds have with respect to sheeplike ones who have strayed from the flock?

    How may you be able to help those who are not now associating with the congregation?

    What qualities can help you to assist those who have strayed from the flock?


    I don't anticipate much positive results from this canned article, but maybe a little hassle for the "inactive." The thing to remember is according to the WTS you have not left the flock.


    *** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***
    Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of “all the flock” for whom the elders must “render an account” to Jehovah.

    Next week will be done by Sister Mary, "Help Them Return Without Delay!"

    Love, Blondie

  • garybuss

    Another cattle call!

    If the "sheep" are not identified yet, and there are no genuine anointed in most companies, who makes up the "flock" referred to in the article? They refer to sheep(LIKE) but not flock(LIKE). I thought ya had to have sheep to have a flock. What gives?

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you Blondie for your hard work in posting this yet again.

    I've always wondered about the shepherd's motives. Surely one of the main purposes of keeping sheep was to use them as sacrifices at the temple. Or to use their skins for clothing. Or for eating.

    I would not be too keen on a modern day intensive battery hen farmer being used as an example of a loving carer.

    Thomas Covenant

  • watson

    Hmm, TC's comment about sheep kind of creeps me out.

  • garybuss

    What's the nature of sheep? They are a "possession" . . . property. Where are they kept? In a pen.

    Yes, sheep are bought, sold, fleeced, fleeced again, counted, slaughtered, skinned, eaten, digested, and passed by process of elimination by the owner's digestive system.

    1. To defraud of money or property; swindle.
    2. To shear the fleece from.

    What would ya rather? BE a sheep or own a sheep?

    Here's another problem I've got with Jehovah's Witnesses. I just hate it when some son of a bitch I can't stand calls me "brother".

  • Mary
    Sadly, some who seemed to appreciate Jesus' sacrifice and made a dedication to God no longer associate with the Christian congregation. Discouragement, health problems, or other factors may have weakened their zeal and caused them to become inactive. However, only as part of God's flock can they enjoy the serenity and happiness that David spoke of in the 23rd Psalm. For instance, he sang: "Jehovah is my Shepherd. I shall lack nothing." (Ps. 23:1) Those in the flock of God lack nothing in a spiritual way, but that is not the happy lot of sheep who have strayed.

    What's so interesting about this paragraph, is that the rank and file will not notice the oxymoron here. They claim that "only as part of God's flock can they enjoy the serenity and happiness that David spoke of..." while completely ignoring the fact that David himself was not a Christian, nor a Jehovah's Witness. Despite all his failings, David apparently enjoyed a good relationship with God without attending 5 meetings a week or knocking on doors Saturday morning. My god, he even had a beard!!

    It is love that motivates Christians to as­sist inactive ones to ,return to the congrega­tion. Regarding his followers, Jesus said: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." (John 13:34, 35) Yes, love is an identifying mark of true Christians. Should not that love be expressed for baptized Christians who may have be­come inactive? It certainly should!

    Yes, I can certainly see that the loving elder that Awakened at Gilead spoke to recently, about concern for his mother's safety from her lunatic husband, showed loved and concern to an 'inactive one'. For anyone who didn't see the 'love' that this elder showed, here's the link:

    Excellent comments week's is even more nauseating.

  • carla

    Mary, don't ya know all the old test. characters were jw's? yep, just recently informed of that little pearl of wisdom from my jw. He says they were witness to jehovah so therefore they were jw's. I know it is something jw's have said for years off & on but never out my jw's mouth had I heard it before. And don't bother bringing up pesky things like being a witness to Christ, it falls on deaf ears.


    "Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost."--LUKE 15:6

    According to the WTS,the reasons why members become inactive:

    Discouragement, health problems, or other factors may have weakened their zeal.

    Satan takes advantage of fleshly weaknesses and uses the world in an attempt to lead Jehovah's sheep into sinful activities.

    Inactive ones are particularly vulnerable and therefore need assistance in order to apply the admonition to 'walk by spirit.

    In the present system of things, many people spend an entire lifetime trying to amass wealth, but just one life is worth much more than all the money in the world. Jesus emphasized this in his illustration of the lost sheep.

    The real reasons why I and many others become inactive:

    Too many meetings,never doing enough,service time slips,disfellowshipping policies,U.N. debacle,the ''generation'' change,the increase of Memorial partakers,child molestation lawsuits, blood policy(no whole blood but can take fractions),WTS selling New York real estate when the ''end'' is so near,no more subscriptions of the Watchtower(must pick it up at local congregation....afraid Blondie will tear it apart) and many others.

    Great job BLONDIE!

  • SnakesInTheTower

    thank you blondie for the heads up... I forgot this article was coming up. I hope not to be bothered. The congo where my card is stashed dont bother with me..and their PO who I was friends with is being put out to pasture by the Society (he and his wife are part of the Order of Special FT Servants) and are being reassigned to "special pioneering" a couple hours away... still in the region... but not in my congo... with out him there to remind them, I doubt I will get mentioned (goodie).

    The last congo I was an elder in dont want anything to do with me. (goodie)

    The 2 congos in the town I live in are a bit more a problem. I have one or two elders and a few R&F dubs that still try to make contact from time to time.. now understand I havent been in the one since 2002 and the other since 1991....the 91 congo only one elder bothered with me until I called BS on him (for not showing up at a scheduled lunch much his for "loving concern"). The 02 congo there are 2 elders I used to consider to be friends... and I still get called by one or the other once a month to "see how I am doing" (I wonder if they are tired of hearing: "same ol same and school..nothing exciting.." LOL)

    so what do you think... what will this article will register what on the Average R&F Dub Richter Scale..... 3.2.... 3.3? If that? bahhh.. they can just leave me be.

    Snakes ()

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Blondie!

    Once again, Writing Department has crapped this thing up right in the middle of paragraph #1:

    ...Moreover, as a literal shepherd might give his life in order to protect his sheep...

    A "literal shepherd" who "might give his life in order to protect his sheep"...? What kind of stupid shepherd is that? If the shepherd dies, who is going to protect the sheep?

    "Oh no! Wolves are heading toward my flock! I know, I'll throw myself before the pack to be eaten by the wolves so that the sheep can run to safety!"

    It doesn't work that way. Of what value are livestock when you are dead? Will they come to your funeral and comfort your widow and orphaned children? Even if some emotional attachment is there, they are just dimwitted, short-lived animals, property. Such a stupid statement in that paragraph may as well be replaced thusly:

    Moreover, as a vehicle owner might give his life in order to protect his car, Jesus died as a ransom sacrifice for car like ones who would avail themselves of his sacrifice.

    Talk about needing to turn off your brain at the start of the Botchtower indoctrination session.

    And to answer your question, Blondie...

    What confidence did you have that any (a few exceptions) or the body elders would give their lives for you...die for you...give up a minute of their time away from the KH for you?

    Although the bOrganization pays lip-service to the idea that the "shepherds" would be ready to die for the "flock", in reality the sheeples better be ready to sacrifice everything for the "shepherds". You can be sure that it would be suddenly rewritten that the "shepherds" are just more important sheep that the R&F unimportant sheepl need to be ready to die for. The Governing Badly expect everyone to be ready to die for them. After all, Jesus sacrifice applies to them FIRST and FOREMOST! The salvation of everyone else is entirely open to question.

    Paragraph 2 doesn't fare much better.

    ...Those in the flock of God lack nothing in a spiritual way, but that is not the happy lot of sheep who have strayed....

    Jeez, talk about mind-control. Their "flock of God" lack spiritual explanations regarding many things, including the extensive re-re-re-definition of "this generation". And "the happy lot"..? What happiness among JWs? With the aid of modern psychotropic medication, they pretend to be happy since they've been told to be happy. They live with the only happifying hope that very soon... billions of people will die so that they can stop suffering at the hands of Satan...? Actually, those who have strayed have already stopped suffering at the hands of the Governing Badly, they are no longer misled by false prophecies of those frauds.

    Perhaps this lesson will ignite some of the dubs to drag a few straying sheeples back in. Since the economy is in the crapper, some may be deceived yet again to putting faith in the GB empty promises. But after a few months or years, when the big A still hasn't come, the strayers will once again stray.

    B the X

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