I was 54 when I left and that was 15 yrs ago,it`s only recently that I bothered to come onto sites like this to see what`s going on.
What is the average age of those who no longer believe?
by crapola 56 Replies latest jw experiences
Homerovah the Almighty
I told my PO to shove it when I was 2
So far this year my average age is 33. I anticipate that the average will not change for at least four more months.
19....guess that makes me a noob...*sigh*
19....guess that makes me a noob...*sigh*
I've discovered that most of us became smart in our middle 40's some before that and some after. But I think there is something about being in your 40's that makes you wake up to what your life has become and where you are going to go with it. Will things remain the same or is it time to make changes while there is still time to enjoy life.Do any here feel that way?
Been out 22 years