We have been discussing neutrality recently and this will be a nice addition to the topic!
1942 Consolation series "Japan Inspired of the Devil"
by cabasilas 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
And they don't get involved in politics???
Thanks, Bluesbrother, Yknot and Minimus. My guess is that the articles were written by C.J. Woodworth who was the editor of Consolation at the time. But, it doesn't say who authored them. The inside cover has Knorr as the President and it's published by the WT Society. I can't imagine any JW today being able to defend the positions taken in those series.
Wordly Andre
sounds like an awesome name for a Sushi restaurant
This file has been updated with some much better scans of the articles involved. For those interested, it can be downloaded from:
In private Japanese language schools it was found that two sets of textbooks were on hand. One set was shown to investigators and contained nothing objectionable, while the set actually used preached loyalty to Japan and its "god emperor" and t r e a s o n against the American government.
We all know the treachery of an organization that keeps to sets of publications, a public one and a private one. LOL!