Why do Governements let Churches be Tax Exempt?

by purplesofa 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    I have been thinking this question for awhile. As I have started some research(very little, byt LDH thread on Extreme Home Makeover thought it would be good to throw out to the board.

    I did not know a qualification for being tax exempt was that they were doing a service to the community. So, I decided the government does not mind and funds the teaching of religion and it's "goodness" and if you will the monitoring of "morality" the churches do.

    Part of the service to the community is charity. I know many churches in my community have food banks, clothing banks, have monies they allot to families to help with utilities. Reiciving these benefits, sometimes identification is required and some information about your household, like size etc. and sometimes a signature. This is extended to non-members of their church, and when recieving the charity, at the very least, they have an invitation to come to church.

    This certainly qualifies for tax exemption.

    When I thought about the WT organization, I have only heard of things they have done in the community concerning Katrina and 911 disaster. That is not to say they have not done other things I have not heard about. With Katrina, I read they went into the Astrodome in Houston and handed out literature and gave comforting words from the Bible. After 911, I heard they offered refuge for passerbys, gave out coffee and beverages. I am sure they did more, but this is all I heard about.

    When I realized that the government lets churches be tax exempt for the service they give to the community, and that service must mean spreading morality about, the WT seemed more to qualify for tax exemptions.

    I then thought about the counting of hours and how that must come into play. Is there some sort of exemption for hours volunteered by the members of the organization? Does the government know or care about the volunteered hours?

    I just never realized the governments part in promoting churches. And I also realised the governments interests in what goes on in churches.

    Then there is the whole real estate issue that I am starting to read about, concerning tax exemption for that.

    I guess I am answering some of my questions as I write this out, but I wanted the boards input, please.




  • JeffT

    All sorts of "non-profit" organizations are tax exempt - churches, American Atheists, PETA, the NFL (not the teams, the organization), the NEA (there's about two hundred pages of them on Wikipedia). Basically (at least in this country) we've decided that it isn't up to the government to decide what constitutes charity, other than you can't just line your own pocket.

  • cameo-d

    ALL of the 501c3 groups are the "Daughters of the Harlot".

    These are the wheels within wheels. There are layers upon layers, and they are worldwide and more numerous than you can count.

    Open your eyes and take a good look.

    At the heart of it all is Babylon and Freemasonry.

    The 501c3 may also be the False Prophets. Already you can see their "actions" do not follow their decrees. Oh some may do a little something, but it is only for self serving purposes.

    Some hide the evil behind behind a few outward (and pretensious) "good deeds" which they blatantly trumpet for all to know. It is a deception. True good deeds are not to be done for public show, recognition, and return favors. But this outward deception is why many people will be blinded to the truth of how these groups operate and what their ultimate goal really is.

    Oh, and by the way, ALL of the 501c3's are..... every one of them....NGO's.

    They are all "waiting in the wings" to come forward with their "New System" implementations as soon as the international banking has totally fallen (worldwide) and all religion becomes an "inter-faith" community.

    What is happening in the world today is not happenstance. It is all contrived and has been well planned out for a long time. Never forget the tactics "(manipulate) to create a problem...wait for the reaction....and provide the solution (which is the purpose of your intent all along). It is after all, The Divine Plan of the Ages*.

  • Farkel

    :Why do Governements let Churches be Tax Exempt?



  • kurtbethel

    A religion does not get an automatic exemption. To get the exemption they must form a non prophet corporation. Pun intended. This means that they register with a state and follow the state's rules in order to get incorporated as a legal entity. The corporation gets power from the state. It brings to mind the scripture about the dragon giving the beast his ruling authority (Revelation 13:4).

    A religion is not required to register or incorporate in the US. Many do, in order to get the tax exemption and limit their corporation from legal liability. Part of the contract to get that status is that they may not engage in political activities. It has nothing to do with doctrine, it is Caeser's law! All religions that incorporate as a non prophet are prohibited from political activity, at the risk of losing their tax exemption if they violate this provision. Any religion that makes an issue of its "neutrality" is merely capitalizing on this legal requirement.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder if churches help the governments by keeping people from thinking independently. That makes it easier for regulators to create boxes for all thinking to happen within. If not for the churches, many people would start taking spirituality in their own hands, start doing their own thinking, and throw those pigs out of office. And they would elect presidents that would not be afraid to shut down regulators, go to war against world organizations that are bent on usurping this country's independence, and send leaders of massive companies that are bent on ruling people off to jail cells. Which would allow the free market, and science, to run this country and eventually the whole world.

    Thus, the churches serve to dumb down the people.

  • cameo-d

    I wonder if churches help the governments by keeping people from thinking independently

    The two horns of the beast are religion and government.

    This is how the masses are controlled.

    What many haven't noticed is that religion and government work toward the same agenda...one washing the other's hand.

    Religion makes the rules; government enforces them.

    Those in the ivory towers of those two entities work for the beast.

    Those who are delegated responsibilities further down the chain are not even aware of this nor realize that they are being used to carry out an agenda which is to be revealed soon.

  • purplesofa

    Those who are delegated responsibilities further down the chain are not even aware of this nor realize that they are being used to carry out an agenda which is to be revealed soon.


  • rebel8

    I did not know a qualification for being tax exempt was that they were doing a service to the community.

    As far as I know, that's an ex-jw myth.

    The exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3) are charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and preventing cruelty to children or animals. The term charitable is used in its generally accepted legal sense and includes relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.

    I decided the government does not mind and funds the teaching of religion and it's "goodness" and if you will the monitoring of "morality" the churches do.

    Well you're onto something there. Research what the Bush administration has done. Used to be, due to a little thing called the Constitution (separation of church and state), federal grants would not be awarded to religious orgs unless they kept the human service program secular. He undid that. Crosses reappeared at Catholic Charities, etc. He also yanked federal grants from successful programs that really help people, if they helped homosexuals or family planning. He moved billions into "faith-based initiatives", claiming he was just funding needed services by not discriminating against religious organizations who provided these services. Instead, they are using funds to put new roofs on churches and basically to operate their religions. They are also anti-birth control, anti-abortion, anti-sex education in schools, anti-stem cell research, against teaching "the theory" of evolution in schools, etc.............

    This is hard to verify--you've got to be a real detective to get to the bottom of this.

  • purplesofa

    Why Taxation of Religion Matters

    Religion, Politics, and Taxes

    By Austin Cline, About.com


    Tax exemptions may not be the most common issue facing courts in arguments over the separation of church and state, it is one of the most fundamental. Initially it appears to be a form of government support for religions and religious activities; on the other hand, the power to tax is the power to restrict or destroy, so is exempting religions from taxation a means of ensuring their independence?

    Religious exemptions from taxation is no trivial matter. It is estimated that churches and other religious bodies may own anywhere between twenty and twenty-five percent of all of the land in the United States. This represents a huge portion of the possible tax base and billions of dollars in potential revenue which could be used to fund schools and other portions of the social infrastructure upon which the churches depend, just like the rest of us. The assets of the Roman Catholic church alone exceed those of the five largest American corporations combined and cash donations to churches total tens of billions of dollars every year.

    Every dollar not paid by churches or other religious organizations must be made up from some other source. When all tax exemptions are taken into account, it is estimated that the average family may pay up to $1,000 in extra taxes every year to make up for the lost revenue not received from churches and religious groups. This includes sales taxes, inheritance taxes, income taxes, personal taxes, and ad valorem taxes.

    It is thus arguable that all of this money represents an indirect contribution to all of those religious organizations. Because taxes which would go to pay for their share of maintaining society are made up for by the rest of us, they certainly have a right to spread their ideas wherever they wish, but do they also have a right to public assistance in doing so? We have, then, two int they are free to use that money in other ways, for example promulgating their message to a wider audience. Ter-related objections to religious tax exemptions: they represent a huge amount of money which must be made up by everyone else, and filling that gap may constitute indirect subsidies paid by the public to religious institutions in violation of the separation of church and state.

    Tax exemptions for religious groups have existed throughout American history and are a legacy of our European heritage. At the same time, those tax exemptions have never been total or automatic. For example, some states have broad tax exemptions for parsonages while others have narrow restrictions on such exemptions. Some states have exempted Bibles from sales taxes while others have not. Some states have exempted church businesses from state corporate taxes while other have not. Private donations to churches have also had varying degrees of tax exemptions, while direct payments to churches for goods or services are rarely exempt from taxes.

    Over the years both the courts and various legislative bodies have limited the ability of religions to benefit from tax exemptions. There are appear to be two possible means for this: either by generally eliminating tax exemptions for all charitable and non-profit groups, or by eliminating churches from the classification of charities.

    Eliminating tax exemptions for charities generally would provide a great deal more money for governments, which is part of the argument for eliminating tax exemptions for religion. However, it is unlikely that there would be much broad public support for such a radical change in the tax code. Tax exemptions for charitable organizations have a long history, and for the most part, people tend to have a favorable impression of them.

    The latter option, re-conceiving the idea of charities such that churches and religions would no longer be automatically included, would probably encounter just as much resistance. Currently, churches receive an automatic charitable tax exemption which is not available to other groups — an unfortunate preference. Should churches actually have to demonstrate that they are doing charitable work that entitles them to tax exemptions on their own merits, it is unlikely that they would receive the same extensive benefits as they currently do.

    However, even when religious groups are not involved with any work traditionally regarded as charitable — like feeding the poor or cleaning the streets — but instead focuses upon evangelization and religious study, people still tend to feel that that qualifies as “charity.” After all, those groups are trying to save the souls of others, and what could be more important?

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