I took classes on and off, mostly off during my dub years.
To those who attended, what did you think of your professors, classmates, etc. who came in all shapes, colors, and sizes, and who you probably intuitively knew had little or no knowledge of JWism? That they were spiritually lost worldlings who were in line for destruction™? That was the kind of shiz that drove me NUTS when I was a JW: on the one hand, having the indoctrination voice in my head telling me that these were the great unwashed who don't know Jerhover and need to get saved OR ELSE, but on the other hand my real-world voice telling me that they all were basically cool for the most part and had their reasons for doing what they did. The real-world voice won, after years of just about going out of my mind trying desperately obey and believe the indoctrination voice.