I probably thought some people were, but never found out whether or not they were or not. Like two close pioneer sisters that share an apartment together and never date.
The only one I know for certain was a girl who I didn't really associate with. When we went to the same hall, she was late teens, I was early teens. Found out from another waffling JW girl I know that she's openly gay now. And also found out another ex-JW I knew from that hall is also gay and lives with her. I don't know if they're a couple or not anymore though. So that's two.
I heard rumors about a guy at our hall and my brother-in-law's brother. My brother-in-law's brother was kind of effeminine. Although he did marry a girl. The other guy (probably 10 years older than me) used to like to chase my brother and I around and tickle us and like to have the older guys over to his place. Always well dressed with the latest fashions and a bit flashy. Blue-collar end of town and he's the only one with the bright color shirts in a sea of white shirts. He did marry (a girl). She's nice enough, but she looks like the most unfulfilled, frustrated, unhappy wife I've ever seen. Last I heard, he owned and operated a chimney sweep business and a thought occurred to me, but some people have failed to see the humor (or perhaps subliminal significance) in it, so I'll leave that one to be pondered.