Thank you so much Flipper. Amazing how you were able to keep your 'cool' demeanor there. I know I wouldn't do so well. Hitting them with this issue, they have no knowledge about it, so no defense. Only agitation! You inspired me to bring it up if JWs come by my house. JWs don't know me from this area but I have told them I used to be a JW years ago (30 yrs. never DF'd). so they haven't come by in a long time.
Except, I came home the other day and a memorial invite was here in the door. I got stirred up again. So, I needed my walk for exercise anyway, so I printed 30 'leaflet,' not pamphlet. Just a half sheet of 15 bullets about JWs. So as I did my very snappy walk, I put the leaflet in my block's doors. Many houses still had the "invite" in the door yet. Thought of taking their invites out, but thought better not but they could see them both.
Having those copies of the news media handy with you was great. JWs have to know about this. Especially, if people in the know confront them about it. Now, I am wondering if you or 'JWFacts Paul' or someone could do a leaflet size about this "pedophile" issue as a handout for when JWs come by again, and some to put out at doors when I do a good snappy walk.
To JWs, I would just say, "Do you know about your '2-witness' rule regarding pedophiles in your midst or congregation/organization? You need to be informed!" and hand them a leaflet. They could just tear it up I know, but that question could stir up something and stick in the meantime.
Not all, but a good number would want to know, like that one gal, that stated she wanted to know. If people in their door to door work start bringing this up, it would really impact them on their service days.