Many died from within. They withered away. Some are still there but internally passing away.
The Realization That You Are Going To Die
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
TooBad TooSad
My mother who was taught that the end would be in the early 1960's, is finally
accepting that she will die in this old system. It breaks my heart for her to
realize that she believed for years that she would not have to grow old and
die and now she is old and wrinkly and appreciates every day that she is on
this side of the grass.
I thought that I would not get old and now I am old. I know that I will die and
I am not sure about the resurrection. I do know that I would not want to live
in a Paradise run by the local body of elders.
TooBad TooSad
The Organization likes giving people (false) hope. For many, any hope is better than recognizing the facts.
The way one dies can be slow and painful, briefly terrifying or so sudden you never see it coming. I would prefer the latter, like a ruptured brain anurism at 85 with a t-tt- in each hand.
Gregor, what a way to go!
The Watchtower should latch on to the 2012 frenzy! Throw in some New Light bullshit.
too much of a downer, huh?
Homerovah the Almighty
"I do not fear death, in view of the fact that I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."
Mark Twain
I asked my dad when he was about 75 years old, how it felt to see everything he believed in fail. He didn't even blink before he answered: "I couldn't of had a better life.".
That rehearsed answer told me he'd been thinking about it and he had justified all his wasted effort by rationalizing he had lived this imaginary moral life. Even when asked about his failure, he took the high road. I guess when one lives his whole life in a fantasy, the reflection would have to be a delusion as well.
I kept hoping he would grow up someday and maybe we could have a rational discussion. I tried several times and failed every time. He would have nothing to do with reality.
He shunned me the last 12 years of his life. It's not what I would have wished but I accepted it in time.
You wrote: You can't help but feel bad for many long time Jehovah's Witnesses . . . I don't feel bad for them. They're idiots. They just happen to be old idiots. They worked to get what they have. The ones I DO feel bad for are the kids. -
Accepting the inevitability of my death was quite refreshing and made me consciously value and celebrate my life like I'd never done before.
So true. It gave me the motivation to appreciate each day even more. To take better care of my health. Funny JWs often hurt their health for the sake of "the truth". I gained the most weight I ever gained as an elder because I was so busy. Its almost as if since they have eternity in front of them they can squander their health today. Kind of like a rich person not counting pennies. Sad because their dream isn't real.