My position on everything is to not believe it without evidence. If evidence is sound it can change my mind about anything.
I think this is a good time to point out that evidence and proof are not synomynous. A person can have plenty of evidence and yet the testable proof still elude them. Also, evidence is interpreted according to a person's premise. When evidence is encountered contrary to a person's premise, the novice will discard. However, when a person has proof and encounters evidence appearing to be contrary, the master will look for the error, already knowing or posessing the proof.
The suggestion though that the singularity -- that EXPLODED into all matter and energy that comprises our universe -- was a sentient, omnipotent being, the Judeo-Christian god, is preposterous.
In what way? Is it any more preposterous to posit the existence of life to chance? For instance, if I copy a Word application program with only one random mutation enbedded, how long will it take for it to turn into an Excel program? With computers we can do this billions of times you know.... simulating billions even trillions of years. What do you think we'd get?
Let me ask you an honest question: What would it take for you to believe in a Singularity with a personality?