New show "Lie To Me" airs Wednesday Jan 21 at 8:00 EST on Fox. It is described below. I don't have any more information than this, but I am sure they will get into details of the JW faith!
LIE TO ME, the compelling new drama from the producers of 24, stars Tim Roth ("The Incredible Hulk," "Reservoir Dogs") as DR. CAL LIGHTMAN, the world's leading deception expert who studies facial expressions and involuntary body language to discover not only if someone is lying, but why. When someone shrugs one shoulder, rotates a hand or raises the lower lip, Lightman knows he's lying.
Based on the real-life scientific discoveries of Paul Ekman, the series follows Lightman and his team of deception experts as they assist law enforcement and government agencies to expose the truth behind the lies
The pilot is described:;_ylt=AiY7EzKgrmQdQTPn0BnjLxaVo9EF
The son of devout Jehovah s Witnesses is accused of killing his teacher after being caught fleeing the scene of her murder; the Democratic National Committee hires the team to investigate a second case.