You got to know I'm was just one of those easy- go-lucky girls. I had a number of male JW friends when I was a wee lass. As we got older we drifted apart as association with the opposite sex wasn't encouraged all that much. However after a while I missed my mates and we started hooking up again, going out, going away and just having fun. I got called into soooo many meeting asking if I was having any type of sex, was I kissing anyone, was I having urges and if anyone else was. For a young sister it was embaressing, but I was a pretty "good girl" type and we were just having fun....there was some kissing and a little touch here and there but never sex - I would always say nothing was going on in my crowd of friends and if they wanted to know about so and so ask them and not me. Elders didn't like you all that much if you didn't rat on your mates.
I am still friends with some of those guys today & we talk about the "old days" and how truly innocent it all was and yet how out of proportion the elders would blow it....almost as if they wanted us to do something.