I just love this stuff...
Do you have a Magic Eye?
by Quirky1 55 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah me too. I'm always grabbing the old books in charity/secondhand shops. They've really gone out of fashion here.
I used to be able to see the 3D patterns almost instantly because I had a problem with my eyes always having a degree of double vision (I couldn't keep them focusing together, now I use prisms to help them do that). I remember this was a huge hit around '95 -- then waned a few years later. Remember the 3D art you could display like paintings?
How interesting you started this thread -- just yesterday I was making 3D stereograms of photos I took at the Grand Canyon. I can post a few if people are interested.
Definitely Leo. Please post them.
Yes I can see them (Magic Eye images) easily and I have astigmatism. maybe that helps.
I get a kick out of this stuff too, but sheesh, so far I couldn't find any of the hidden images. Maybe I'm not taking enough time. I can usually see it.
Would love to see what you put together, my goodness, your such a gifted person, please share with us
I remember when they first came out and seeing them at Mall of America as very large prints that could be purchased for about $80, this was before they started appearing in book form for just a few dollars.
I tried again and I could see the hidden photo this time. I really like the hidden eye.
I had a magic eye necktie that had hidden images in it.
What's this then?