I did, absolutely. But as the issues that lead me to rethink this whole religion thing began to arise and I stopped praying, I realized it had no apparent impact on my day to day life. Sometimes good things happened and sometimes bad things happened which was just the same as when I did pray. And I found out, contrary to what I'd been taught, humans have a tremendous ability to make good things happen in their own lives and in the lives of others without having an external supernatural power source to draw on.
Did You ACTUALLY Believe That Jehovah Was Going To Answer Your Prayers?
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
"gods will" is a joke
If He has a will, doesn't that mean he's dead?
wha happened?
I have a close friend of mine who I am helping out right now. She's still in. Way in. She has a worthless husband who doesn't work, smokes crack, has been in and out of jail and also a mental hospital. It took 10 years of this behavior to get df'd. He's dragged her down so bad that she looks 47 going on 67. She "prays and prays" for Jehovah to remove her husband from her.
Well I listenned to a point but I had to jump in. I can't stand that she is still in this relationship and turns to prayer to fix everything. She really does buy into the myth that God is going to smite her husband away.
My ex wife used to pray for hours every night to Jehovah about me and my apostacy with the hope i could "see the truth again"
Jehovah did not answer her prayers, eventually she divorced me, contrary to what the bible tells a wife to do.
I wonder where the almighty was!
I did--that is, until I kept asking for the same things during a period of years and Jehovah was not responding. If there is one thing that is even worse at "Not Responding" than Microsoft's recent programs, it is that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.
Praying for someone to die ain't very nice.
only me
I used to think Jehovah answered prayers but inow I believe in the power of positive thinking and setting intentions