An experiment in prayer

by Iwonder17 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • thebiggestlie

    Musky i must admit i share your feelings that it would be nice to live in a world with no more pain or sickness or suffering . I would love to see my dead loved ones and friends again, letting go isn't always the easiest thing for us to do. I would do almost anything to see my Grandmother again. However i can't personally let these desires to cloud my rationale thought and to make me cling to a set of concepts that i can now see are unlikely at best. Perhaps ignorance is bliss but i would rather know the truth and face whatever concesquences that truth brings even if its not as comforting as the alternative. I don't want to be just another captives of a concept. I also think that pain and sufferring aren't always the evils we think they are. We learn and grow and develop based upon our past experiences. Failure breeds eventaul success. Sufferring makes us stronger to deal with things in the future. We learn from our mistakes and death is a universal consistancy. Like i mentioned before evertything from plants, to animals, to stars, and inevitably the universe has a finite life cycle. Eventually all die. Even our universe will die out long long long after the sun has burnt out and this little planet is no more.

    Ahhh but the universal question. If there is no god...then whats the point? No one can answer that question for you. You must find the answer to that question.


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