Special Delivery
by purplesofa 11 Replies latest jw friends
Eww. I'm not liking it.
i like how delevery is spelled
had to be a witness that made up the sign
had to be a witness that made up the sign
Probably a graduate of the Awake university.
White Dove
Deliver spelled wrong as only a JW could spell it. It's one thing to misspell something on our discussion board once in a while, but to do it on a sign along the road? How embarrassing!
White Dove
Are they saying that the JW's are good, too? I don't get it. What's the point. JW's deliver. Everyone knows that, so?
AK - Jeff
I hope they don't try to "delever" here.
I'll bet that sign was produced online and isn't real.
It was probably designed at this web site
Purps.."i like how delevery is spelled had to be a witness that made up the sign".........LOL!!.......Yes,most likey a "WBT$ Edjumacated Schoolar!"..