the new one seems more like a modern DB.
Who here likes this site better than the old one....a poll ?
by Homerovah the Almighty 59 Replies latest jw friends
Right now, I like the old one, but I think Simon will make this site work much better eventually.
The Old site is History.....Gone!.........The New Site..
..........There are so many new toys here,it`s incredible!!.....I love our New Home!!.....Without Simon,it would`nt exist.....We have a lot to be "Grateful" for!..............................................................
I really like this new forum, so many features and the most important to me - it works with Firefox!!
I prefer the new site.
My wishes would be--ability to use with Firefox (usually can't), poll function, more smileys, chat.
Rebel8..FireFox works great with the new site..It`s all I have ever used on both sites...........I use the "HTML"function to get my smileys working on this site..........................
Can't access the site about 9 times out of 10 when I use FF. Don't know why. I've got the latest version. Happens on 3 different computers, when I log in from 2 different locations.
Would also like the ability to resize pics and to preview posts.
I think it is a PROFOUND improvement!
- The text editor is far superior, allows cut and paste and even allows cut and paste from MS Word.
- The text editor works in all of the major browsers.
- When posting the cursor does not default to the Title field. Instead it default to the post body, where it should be.
- The User Profiles show hard returns properly.
- The formatting is more consistent across browsers
- Overall it is easier to use and more intuitive.
Simon, if possible, can a spell checker be added?
I am like Grace hard to teach so it's the old one for me...but still grateful to Simon for this site.
only me
I like the new but I have had trouble accessing the "Best Ofs".
I don't know why that's a problem. but I hope it resolves soon.