It happened last thursday, it's only now i can talk about it.
She was only 34, and so beatilful, but she had a problem with drinking, and other substance abuse.
She was found after aspirating in her sleep....
Take this time, to kiss and hug your family and friends....that's all i ask.
this is her obit, second one down, Melissa Gray.......
I lost one of my best friends....
by crazyblondeb 26 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Dear crazyblondeb,
I'm sorry for your loss and, too, for that of Melissa's family.
Take this time, to kiss and hug your family and friends....that's all i ask.
Did just that, even though I'm always the initiator. I'm tired of waiting around for the other person - friend or family - to act. It's up to me.
Thanks for the reminder.
Love to you and yours,
Wordly Andre
I'm sorry for you loss,
I am sorry for your loss. I have buried 7 friends this past year and truly understand the pain.
People make their choices but their friends that survive their choices end up living with the pain. {{{ hugs}}}
Mrs. Fiorini
I'm so sorry this happened. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
AK - Jeff
So sorry to hear of this, CBD.
Scary. My daughter is not much younger, and unfortunately suffers from similar addictions. She has estranged herself from her mother and I [and her kids whom we raise] for well over three months, without a word, so that she can carry on her risky lifestyle [and hide from the law due to serious probation violations also I assume]. I hope I never hear such news. So this whole matter brings a lump to my throat.
Peace to you and to Melissa's family in this time of pain and heartache.
I am sorry for your loss crazyblondeb....She looks so young, so out of place among the elderly obituaries...It is a tragedy. At least she had you for a friend....
Oh dear. I am so sorry for your loss.
adding my conolences for your loss
Im sorry for your loss CBB.