Put a frog in boiling water and he jumps out....but turn the heat up slow and he will boil alive. {I hate brothers using this in talks} Imagine if the Witnesses told you up front what life as a Witness will be like.
1. You can never leave us when your baptized...ever, for any reason, your a Witness for the rest of your life. We will disfellowship you for leaving.
2. You and your family members must be trained to be willing to die rather then accept blood Transfusions, even escaping from the hospital and or pulling out the drip. We have Gastapo Elders who will "supervise" your treatment and make sure you die faithful.
3.Elders have the right to investigate your sex life/personal life even if your married.
4. Your congregation will spy on you like the Communists did in Russia....even children are expected to hand in their parents.
Instead we first get the Paradise and no more suffering crap and when your hooked, they get you to swear alligence to the Furrer!