Bestest of movie scenes
by beksbks 33 Replies latest jw friends
I love "Shawshank" a truly great movie.
I'd have to think for awhile before I can come up with a scene to beat that one.
If you haven't already seen it, I highly recommend "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." We just saw it.
One of my alltime favorites. A true story too. If you watch all three minutes of it you see the real person the movie was based on at the end.
Music Piece is timeless.
compound complex
Hi Beks!
In Rebecca (1940), where Max tells the new Mrs. de Winter how he really felt about the deceitful and manipulative Rebecca.
Three acid words and the resultant expression on his bride's face ...
And One of the best Endings EVER!
Vinny...You already posted that video 7 times in the previous post. Maybe remove 7 of the 8 copies?
Edit. Now there are 14 copies of the same video!
I admit I am a bit lost trying to edit this. I see only two copies and only one embedded link.
In Firefox, there is an endless series of that single video you posted, and that makes it really hard to view this thread. I am pretty sure it is partly due to the buggy software of the forum. Try editing the post again and click on "HTML" in the formatting bar, and see if you can find and remove the offending code there. There's got to be a reason why the same video is repeating over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Edit: Oh never mind, I see that an hour has passed by and so it is no use. I really hope Simon can give us more time to edit posts than just a wimpy half hour. At least you fixed the other post (down from 7 to 3 to 1), so I think you've figured out how to remove the excess links. Just bear in mind that for some reason, your posted links seem to be flooding this thread and may need editing.