I was wandering

by wallaby jack 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    excuse the waiting like nature of this post but i've been driving machinery for a few days wondering about stuff .. like why are mosquitos louder at night? and how does medicine know where to go? and why do ruthless dictators always wear really cheap illfitting sunglasses? and the one that's had me buggered for years .. how come the most miserable looking people I ever saw those who've claimed to have found the joy of knowing Christ? (not you ozzie ;)

    and how come the visions of Jesus Christ and his Virgin Mother only occur in Christian countries while visions of Allah are seen only in Islamic countries? It's really so convienient it's incredible. Imagine the confusion if Jesus Christ chose to make an appearance in someones muesli in Mecca or Muhammad himself turned up in someones porridge in Dublin ... mmm maybe thier images are appearing and they're being wolfed down by unthinking spiritually pig ignorant breakfasting ragheads and bog irish who couldn't tell the difference between Buddha and a dollop of whipped cream!

    hey bartender .. two bloody Mary's and a packet of Jesus Chrisps.

    umm unclebruce who better not think anymore for a while

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ah, youve been reading the writings of the master Benjamin Creme.
    Where is Maitreya appearing at the moment?

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    G'day Refiners Fire,

    I plead total ignoramouse of any knowledge wotsoever of those whom you speak. Should my rambling bear any resembalance to persons leaving or Fred i say bollocks and pass them my synphonies.

    ok .. back to english .. with all the millions of words posted, written, spouted, spurted and spitted here and in books i doubt i've ever said anything original in my life (well maybe that time i spun a yarn about abducting an alien in an effort to seed the universe came close)

    why copy someone elses bullshit when it's well known i'm full of it lol.

    playgerizing by telepathetness and clairvoyance unclebruce

  • ozziepost

    Unc, what you on 2day? Sounds a bit morose for you. Come and have another coffee!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • waiting

    howdy unc,

    excuse the waiting like nature of this post
    huh? If you're not referring to moi, what the heck are you referring to?

    I believe that that there machinery's been shaking your innards 'round a bit.

    My husband likes Bloody Mary's - particularily when flying in airplanes. Don't know exactly what that implies.


  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    G'day ozzie,

    me morose? .. nah it must be the thick morning coffee clashing with my thick morning head .. that or all this fresh air's getting into my lungs. I know this is a childish post but hey let my inner child free i say .. (I was gonna rant about psuado-scientific theories we entertained as ignorant dubs, like my 'perhaps the recent increase in earquakes is caused by our pumping all the oil out the ground' theory ;) .. but coherance comes in short disconected spurts this fine day.

    thanks for the offer ozzie, give m my love, but i'm monday too far away, unc.

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    G'day waiting lol,

    yep, you're the same waiting that posts boring thoughts of men who've spent way too long riding tractors .. Weren't you almost banned here as the 'Queen of cornography'?

    cheers unc (sorry if i sound sour ..i was just pulling yer ............. lags ... maybe its something i ate .. i could really go some hot battered corn right now)

    ***my apologies for inserting you and ozzie in this post, some say i post here to hear myself rant but i think the truth is that i like to hear you guys and touch some stable understanding base .. thankx for being arround when i needed ya .. unc, self diagnosing again.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Wow, a topic I actually know something about. I can help with the medicine bit. The medicine goes all over your body through your blood stream. Think of the molecules of drug as being shaped a certain way, sort of like a key for example. The drug reacts with things called receptors, sort of like locks. Ideally the medicine only works on the receptors you want it to, but not always. Sometimes it works on similar receptors elsewhere in your body...leading to side effects. Remember medicine is all over your body (if it is something taken orally or injected), so use it with care, read the labels and ask your pharmacist for specific information.

  • wasasister
    ...and touch some stable understanding base

    I'm not certain where that is, anotomically speaking, but you can touch mine, if you like.

  • wallaby jack
    wallaby jack

    Thanks Concerned Mama,

    That's one mystery gone 67,945 to go. My JW mother told me sickness was caused by tiny little creatures taking over ones body (called the bad fairies) Very sage advice to a man who used to swallow just about any medicine.

    Got a cure for loneiness? Ah, cancel that .. here's wassa ..

    cheers, unclebruce

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