Just asking...
Is Barack Obama a Free Mason?
by LouBelle 30 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sure the logo of a rising sun over the bloodstained fields has some infernal meaning...
...possibly "death to America," but then, my Masonic is a little rusty.
I am actually asking in all seriousness.
LouBelle, wherever did you get the idea that BHO might be a Mason?
Well wasn't 37 of the USA presidents free masons? Sooo I was just thinking, "I wonder if Obama is a free mason" - and thus the question. If you don't ask you don't know...
Well, to answer your question, there's been no evidence of Masonic activity in his past.
Now, he may have had maternal relatives who were Masons. But that, of course, is another story.
More importantly, Lou Belle, ask what is the significance of it if he is.
And ask how do these people become "chosen" to join these societies.
It is rumored that he is a member of Prince Hall.
I am sure any concrete evidence that might be controversial is going to be well hidden.
It is rumored that he is a member of Prince Hall.
I am sure any concrete evidence that might be controversial is going to be well hidden.
Strange how nothing else in his life that was considered 'controversial' was hidden ... why should this be?
The man's life is an open book. People make up rumors, and continue to believe in them as fact, even when there is no evidence to certify them as so.
Strange how nothing else in his life that was considered 'controversial' was hidden ... why should this be?
Why do we have spin doctors in the media?
They have to give the masses something to feed on...why not the birth certificate issue?
And why would a secret society affiliation be hidden?
Again, ask yourselves, what would be the significance of the association if he were part of it?