Witness Wife Seeks Divorce Because JW Husband Hits Her & Mentally Abuses

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    And this guy BRAGS about how wonderful his theocratic family is! They're righteous over much.

  • jamiebowers

    It appears that it's her word vs. her husband's. The elders must not believe her allegations.

    In my case my abusive jw husband was forcibly committed twice to mental institutions, and he confessed to the elders about his physical abuse of me as well as some weird sexual deviations. It didn't make a bit of difference I was still pressured to remain in the marriage and forced to feel that I had no choice but to let a dangerously mentally ill man WHO WAS THREATENING TO KILL ME maintain control over my life and safety by fullfilling the requirement to catch him committing adultery.

  • minimus

    These are reasons why no man or men should judge.

  • sammielee24

    It is rather telling that he valuing his "privileges" more than his family. Unfortunately, I would venture to say that 80%, maybe 90% or even more, of current elders would do the same.

    Most certainly. Isn't that what being a JW is all about? Loyalty to the society is first and formost to a witness and that is reflected in his privileges and/or standing in the org. That's why shunning is relatively painless for those inside - but why the whole religion is based on selfish value. sammieswife

  • minimus

    I told my ex about this situation and her response was that no doubt they'll be put up on the platform at an Assembly and be praised for their loyalty! I agree.

  • truthsetsonefree

    That requirement to kick them out makes me think of AllTimeJeff's recent thread on how different congregations are different based on the collective conscience of the elder body. There is certainly no WT written rule on this.

    The grandfather needs to do some research there is nothing in the WTS literature that condemns scriptural divorce based on physical abuse so long as she remains unmarried. I was told my my elders I could divorce but would have to remain unmarried until my abusive JW committed fornication or I did. They could not disfellowship me for divorcing me and there was no need for me to be shunned. The councel the Elders is in accurate unless they have changed something from 8 years ago.

    The above is what the rules are with one exception: A person's OWN fornication is not grounds for Scriptural divorce as per the WT. This is to close a loophole that would allow anyone to go have sex to get out of a marriage easily. Of course this tends to get communicated verbally at CO meetings with elders and KM schools since no Scripture explicitly states this.


  • nelly136

    i hope that once the cruel penny drops, and the lady realises that her and her childrens safety comes a very poor second to elder symbol status. she'll get herself and her children, as far away from the people who would send them back to harm as soon as she possibly can.

    hopefully there'll be some good 'worldy' organisations in the area that may help her to find a place of safety who won't have to put 'apearance sake' as part of the agenda.

    For family to send her back to that kind of abuse they are actively sending the husband a message that it is perfectly acceptable to be the way he is.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Wife abusers are like pedophiles...they are REALLLY good at not letting anyone outside the home know what they do. So when the victim speaks up, nobody believes them. They say the victim must have done something to deserve and provoke it because Brother So and So is just soooo wonderful and spiritual.

  • blondie

    Has this woman considered going to organizations that help abused women and their families? Has she thought of how this affects her children and put her status in the congregation as a lesser concern?

    The real issue I feel is not how the elders and her grandfather are handling this but how she is handling it. I grew up with an abusive father and my mother put her safety first ahead of ours. Can someone help this woman see that she has other choices and that the safety of her children and hers is more important?


  • flipper

    It's threads like this that help me to continue to see I did the right thing walking away from the witnesses 5 years ago. Thanks Minimus. Peace out, mr. Flipper

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