looking for COMPLETE list of foods contaminated with Salmonella

by purplesofa 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks
  • Snoozy

    Purple sofa thank you so much for the link..I too saw that and now I am leary of grocery shopping period..what is next?


  • WTWizard

    This is a classic case of making a problem out of nothing. I am suspecting that someone may have put food poisoning in certain foods on purpose. They did that with spinach and tomatoes last year. What the goal is is to require all foods to be irradiated or heated to temperatures that make it less nutritious, and destroy the medicinal value of the food. The idea is to create a problem where none existed, make a big deal out of a few hundred that get sick, and then make people clamor for those new regulations.

    To put it in perspective, there were only less than 500 sickened. Ordinary flu is more likely to be the real culprit if you are getting sick--the symptoms are sudden in onset, and the flu can subside quickly as well. There is a much better chance that these illnesses are the flu, even after exposure to peanut butter and peanut paste.

    Additionally, this destruction of food value is more likely to sicken more people than the isolated food poisonings, whether from bad food processing or careless preparation (or if done on purpose to scare people into accepting additional regulations). And those cases will never be logged--my guess is that those numbers are going into the millions.

    And, let's not forget that every year, more than 100,000 people die from properly prescribed, properly taken prescription drugs. You never hear about a prescription drug being recalled after "only" 500 people are sickened by it. Yet, everyone that takes prescription drugs seems to have side effects (that is, are sickened) that often require another drug to manage. This is particularly true with statin drugs (liver disorders and muscle degeneration), psychiatric drugs (weight problems, brain disorders, liver disorders, and miscellaneous side effects), diabetes medication (weight gain, liver problems), and blood pressure drugs (kidney problems).

    As for me, I am continuing to take my chances with peanut butter. If my immune system is in good shape, it should easily fight off a little intentionally or carelessly placed salmonella without too much trouble. As for the regulations, they can take them and shove them (of course, those companies that put out better quality food will be rewarded with better business when those who put out crap go belly up).

  • rebel8


    They will also send you updates by email, and they're very accurate.

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