TV Pilot...Lie to Me...includes episode about a JW.

by SnakesInTheTower 12 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Jourles

    I never post anymore but I watched this last night and just about cringed all the way through it when they referred to jws. Some of the things which were cringe worthy:

    • "Praying for her soul" - Come on, a jw would never say this.
    • "Doing the Lord's work" - Really? How often would you use this phrase in your lingo? You wouldn't. It sounds to much like Christendom's phrase of choice. Saying it a few times during the episode made me .
    • The kid's long'ish hair. If they were THAT much of an uber spiritual family, how in the hell does that kid get away with having a mop on his head like that?
    • "Co-loss-ee-ens" - I've never heard a jw pronounce Colossians this way.

    About the only thing they got right was home schooling their son so they could "protect him from the world." They either made the jws look this way on purpose by making them appear totally bible-whacky, or the writers didn't hire a consultant to get the correct lingo down and winged it based on whatever happened to be up on Wikipedia that day. I didn't like the show overall because I was left wondering the entire time if they were going to get anything right about the jws.

  • jwfacts

    What I did think was interesting about the episode was the concept that the JW's body language was abnormal. He appeared to be lying but infact was giving off confusing signals due to GUILT. He was so screwed up from his upbringing regarding uncleaness and fornication that he appeared to have done something far worse than he really had committed. His sin was stalking but he appeared to be a murderer, due to the unreasonably strict upbringing of his father regarding sexual thoughts.

  • chellechelle

    yes they did not acurately do their research but i think it is a good thing that they jws were portrayed as they were on the show. it showed them as extremist fundamentalist christians who were so concerned about there religions aperance that at first they would not even show the investegators info that could clear him. his mother later showed them the photos he had taken of his teacher and one of the photos helped to prove what had really happened. they also showed them as very extreme as to what their children are alowed to do and the control they have on our lives. the father says that he would never be involved in any sexual ativity. he says " he knows the dangers of fornication. we sat down and read collosians together" he also talks about not being allowed after school activities and that at first he was not allowed to do photography but they decided to give him his own dark room so he wouldnt have to go out. i think even though it was not completely accurate they did a good job at making people think that the jw cult is not something they would want to be in. so regardless of the message. it still accomplishes the same purpose. making people think twice about how weird and bas this cult can be....

    STAY AWAY!!!

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