..."Lie to Me".....JW Stalker`s!.&..Sex!...

by OUTLAW 10 Replies latest social entertainment

  • SnakesInTheTower

    white dove:

    don't play sports and are barely allowed into the music programs at schools

    In HS, my younger brothers were not allowed to play sports..one of the reasons my middle brother left and went into the military when he graduated HS. I was always surprised that I was allowed to be in several clubs.... Chess Club, Theater (always in the background, never on stage), and Computer Club,....that's right..all the geek clubs... I was even allowed by my JW hard core dad to go and help build sets on Saturday, even in the morning..missing field circus was OK sometimes...I was socially backward even then...i think my mom pressured him to allow me some freedom to try to be more normal...not that it ever worked.... Dad eventually yanked the rug out from under me:

    I remember that one play I was given the opportunity to be the Props Manager for one play...but he drew the line at allowing me to be at the rehearsals on Tuesday and Thursday night before the weekend main event... so I did a lot of work but got none of the credit in the program if I recall....dad was not going to allow me to miss a meeting.

    I missed out on lots of things like most JW kids..... good and bad.

    Snakes ()

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