Slim, I do think you’ve grown. Today is not the first day I’ve thought that, either. And I don't mean that in a "I'm superior to you" sort of way--I mean I recognize it because it happened to me. Or at least I think so.
I don’t think disagreeing with the content of Penton’s book or my actions means you haven’t grown. It takes a freethinker to do that, right?
Just to let you know, my main request of the Holocaust Museum is that they include the actual wts publications and letter to Hitler, which they did. I would have been 100% satisfied with that. In the course of our correspondence, I mentioned that book as something they may be interested in checking into, they did, and chose to put it in their library. I've been up front about the fact that I've never read it and didn't present myself as endorsing it--just another possible publication to expand the library's holdings on an important topic.
wts is revisionist about its history too, and the museum had only the wts’ revisionist edition in their library. If Penton is unfairly anti-wts, I still think it’s better to have 2 opposing revisionists than to have just one.
According to posts here, I think AlanF if I recall correctly, the museum refused to put the actual wts documents in their library after wt thugs visited them to strongarm them out of it. That sort of thing triumphing is an injustice to everyone, including jws. They should at the very least have the ability to learn the truth and decide for themselves, and so should everyone who wants to access the library.
IMO dedpoet and Danny had issues before they came here; do you feel there’s something about jwd that transformed them for the worse? What happened to RichieRich? I thought he was living happily ever after?