Did Nephilim mate with Animals, too?

by cameo-d 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Why did man need to be instructed that "beastility" is wrong?

    Did "primitive man" have no instinct?

    Did "primitive man" have no conscience?

    Could primitive man have been influenced by Nephilim behavior?

    If you believe in the concept of "primitive man" would this indicate a belief in evolution?

  • shamus100

    A) The earth is only 6,000 years old.

    B) The nephilim only screwed humans. As far as we know.

    C) Obviously, humans have absolutely no instinct to be rational, moral, or otherwise without the christian bible.

    God bless.

  • jaguarbass

    The Gods, space men, came down from Nibiru and mated with neanderthals which were like apes.

    They did this to make us to be their servants, slaves.

    The sons of the Gods, the nephalim experimented having sex with animals and made

    Centaurs, mermaids, minotaurs, Sirens and sphinxs

    The Gods did not approve of that and destroyed their nephalim children and their

    monsters in a flood.

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic
    Did Nephilim mate with Animals, too?

    I think that the evidence of the fallen angles mating with animals is obvious. This is where the dinosaurs came from. They would have been normal size before that but like the result with humans and the Nephilim offspring that was the result of the relations with the daughters of men, and how they became giants, this also happened with the fallen angles relations with creatures in the animal kingdom, and that is why god had to destroy that ancient world, because these fearsome beasts were ruining the world along with the offspring of the daughters of men. See it all makes sense now doesn’t it….??

    It wouldn’t surprise me that someone somewhere in the world believes the above comment……

  • jaguarbass

    evolution but not abiogenesis

    more like genetic engineering, test tube babies and cloning.

    Producing sterile mules.

  • shamus100

    Oh I believe it 100 percent, Mr. Majestic. It all makes perfect sense now...

    God bless.

    Watch your dogs, people! It's giant offspring could bully and kill you.

  • jaguarbass

    They werent having red neck sex with the animals they were genetically engineering them in

    a Nazzi Germany sort of way.

    Looking for workers, they were trying to take gorrilas and mate the Gods spacemen with them

    to come up with NFL linebackers. Things like that.

    THe Gods, space men were lizards, before the flood the earth had a canopy and a different enviroment'

    that is why the dinosaurs were able to exist. The Gods were lizards like the dinosaurs.

    After the flood mamals were more adapted to live in the new enviroment

    So the Gods engineered us neanderthals with them, the gods, lizard

    and you get homo sapiens.

    This is according to the Sumerian text written in cuniform.

    The Sumerians the oldest civilization in history told us that that is what they did.

  • snowbird

    1. I believe the Nephilim did whatever they wanted, bestiality included.

    2. Primitive man was possessed of a conscience as well as instinct.

    3. Genesis chapter 6 says that all flesh was ruined in the sight of the Lord.

    4. I believe in the Creation account of Genesis, but I don't necessarily rule out evolution.

    I wonder why Pan and centaurs and minotaurs are peculiar to Greek, and by way of extension, Roman mythology?

    Could their springing from the Japhetic branch have anything to do with it?

    Why was Japheth, the eldest son of Noah, not given the Blessing?

    You raise some interesting questions, Cameo-d.


  • primitivegenius

    thats why to this day they call it............... spanking your monkey............. or chokeing your chicken............... lol sorry had to

  • middleman

    This link will answer all you need to know.


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