I am posing this question to Christians. This is a sincere question.
Where is hell?
by startingover 34 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry, i'm not christian, but i think that there is a phase like that that some of the departed go through on their return to the other side. It's a result of their refusing to let go of certain unresolved problems in their lives on this side, and so, they take them w them. They cannot pass on, truely, until they are dealt w. It's actually closer to the catholic purgatory, than an eternal hell. That's my opinion, anyway.
Do you mean in a physical sense?
I don't think in those terms.
Why does it matter?
In my office
Serious question everyone. And yes, in a physical sense. I like to base my life on realities, so I think in those terms. Does anyone think there is a real hell, a real location?
It's not a physical place. If that's what you are looking for, i don't think that you'll find it, except in blondie's office, guantanimau, etc.
Honestly I question things like that every day.
Hell is underneath the ground.
There is a whole 'nother world there....with lots of secret tunnels.
I think hell is the place you put yourself in order punish yourself for something you did or percieved you did. It's in your head. It's guilt and shame and fear all rolled up in a big ball that you allow to take over to the extent that it clouds your judgement and makes you weary. It's the place you get mired in, sometimes so far and so deep that there is no joy in life and no way out. For some religious people, they see that hell as a result of not doing enough or being good enough and so in order to escape, they keep trying harder and the harder they try, the more they get bogged down.
I believe we create our own hell and there is no 'place', no real hell where people go and where their soul burns after death. sammieswife.