A surprise in my Christmas tree

by Princess 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • SEAKEN2001

    Well, Rach, there you go. A ready made tradition just fell into your lap! Wrap that nest after this Xmas and keep is safe. Pull it out every year as a rememberance.


    [By the way, a couple if times I heard it mentioned that the trees are killed when cutting them. I suppose that's the way our society chooses to look at it (and many "green" organizations object ot cutting trees) but I prefer to think of it as utilizing it's power. What you are really doing is transfering it's force to another purpose. If that same tree is burned as fuel it again is repurposed. All tree wills "die" and their energy will be reclaimed by the atmosphere around them. This may be getting too philosophical for this thread, but perhaps it's the same for all living things. Anyway, I just picked up on the harshness of the term "killed" and thought that we really don't have to guilt ourselves about cutting trees as long as we have a good purpose for it's power.]

  • DannyBear


    Your right my word choice was poor,wasn't it?

    Perhaps instead of 'killed' a better word would have been recycled!

    Believe me Iam not a card carrying 'tree hugger' in the full sense of the expression. Qualified with the exception of 'giant sequoia's' and a few very select old growth reservations, and some very old California oaks.

    So I agree with your 'philosophical' views.


  • more2C

    What a nice surprise to find in your tree. Now, all you need is a family of birds to find a way to your house. Have you thought of putting fake birds in the nest? You could buy those miniature birds in a craft store. I think they are made from dried mushrooms with feathers. Maybe your kids could choose names for them. Just a thought....

    Merry Christmas!


  • Princess

    The kids were very excited to see the nest. I bought a fake bird at the store today and my three year old put it in the nest. I wrapped the lights around the nest to highlight it a bit before continuing around the tree. Looks nice, not obvious, you have to look to find it.

    Sean, I was thinking about wrapping it up and always having our nest in the tree. Good idea. I didn't mean to be harsh by saying daddy killed the tree, but Rhys asked if it was still alive just seconds after the saw cut through the trunk! I don't feel bad about cutting it down, we certainly aren't tree huggers. I feel good about supporting the guy who owns the tree farm. There was no one "manning" the lot. Just a sign with prices and a metal box to put money in, all done on the honor system and it was hard getting the money in that box, it was so full. They even had saws to borrow and a box of cut holly for anyone who bought a tree. Neat place, much nicer than a lot on the corner with $50 trees. After Christmas we'll take it to the boys scouts to turn it into mulch.

    Mom, don't get an artificial tree! They don't smell good. Just keep it watered and there isn't a fire hazard. You need to get a real one at least once...please?

    Thanks for all your comments and suggestions.


  • slipnslidemaster

    What a nice story.


    Slipnslidemaster:"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
    - Oscar Wilde

  • SixofNine

    HAH! This is just one of those silly touchy feely urban legends that you and your mom love to propagate on the net!

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