X-Witnesses and Faders - have you had a help them return visit yet?

by eyeslice 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sspo

    No elder calls, no calls from "friends" from many different states, no calls from my pioneer daughter but i did receive a call from a 74 year

    sister but never answered the phone since i knew where the conversation would heading.

  • oompa

    they are afraid....very afraid of me...seriously....that is not a brag in anyway...they are my friends still...at leat one of them....and they HATE what i have informed them of...one even told me he has never told his wife...due to fear........so no....no call....no rv...not even an invite to the Memorial........pathetic..and my hardcore jw wife knows it...i tell her they are GLAD i am gone....oompa

  • parakeet

    Like Armageddon, the elders will surely visit me "any day now." It's only been 30 years and counting since I heard from an elder.

  • crazyblondeb

    Last summer, when i was trying to get something done with my stepdad, I contacted the elder's here.

    During the conversation, it came up what i needed to do to get reinstated. They told me I needed to

    come to the kingdom hall to pick up the latest literature. I guess that shows how much the elder's care.

    I know I won't get a visit. Never have in 20 + years.

    Plus, mom has warned them what an apostate I am.....and demonized.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Nope, but we are expecting a visit since our blow out with my father in law in December. The apostate rumour has started about Agent Smith and I, and I now know it has moved at astonishing speed. The story had to be retold about 5 times to get to our source (on the inside).

    The suits don't know where we live. However members of the congregation where we were last attending may have our phone number.

    But I am certain that my f.i.l will co operate and sell us out. He will give the Men in Black our address. The apostate rumour started there after all.

  • truthseeker


    The witnesses thnk we are simply discouraged and are asking why we don't go to meetings.

    I received a phone call from an elder who was concerned about our meeting attendance.

    We haven't been to any meetings since last summer, and all was quiet on the western front until my encounter with two 'Agent Smiths' yesterday.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    YES, we had ours! Complete with having the actual Watchtower magazine salient parts read to us to determine why we weren't attending...can't be too specific or else I'll blow my cover, but the tone of the visit ALL IN ALL was FRIENDLY - they really MISS US!

    So we took it all in stride...If anything changes and we get ELDERS' visits with an obvious agenda, then we'll know that the hammer may be coming down but so far so good...Problem is we are having increasing difficulty in holding our tongues!

  • SacrificialLoon

    Nope, I moved out of state and I live in a gated community with a no soliciting sign on the gate.

  • Dune

    I moved, so they can't visit me.

    i still have the same number, but i haven't had a phone call from a J-dub since '06 and its likely going to stay that way :-D.

  • civicsi00

    Nope, no visits or phone calls.

    Rumor has it that I'm an "apostate" so I believe they're just going to stay away from me.

    I do kind of expect something near the Memorial, but if the elders show up, it will be time to confirm the rumors.

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