Matrix Style - Agent Smith wants to call round and encourage me

by truthseeker 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I had just left the supermarket. I was walking to my car and as I opened the door one of my bags broke and a couple of tins fell out.

    As I bent down to pick them up, a voice said "Hello Truthseeker"

    Startled, I looked up and saw two elders dressed in dark suits. It was a Matrix moment. The only thing missing were the shades.

    "We saw you leave the supermarket" one of them said, who smiled at me with his face but not his eyes.

    "We heard you went on vacation" he continued.

    I answered in the affirmative, wondering how this elder could have known of my whereabouts having not attended the meetings in over six months.

    It was surreal seeing both these elders almost appear out of the blue. I never even saw them walk up to me. In a split second they had appeared from nowhere.

    "How are you settling in your new congregation?" the elder said, knowing full well that I did not attend meetings in my new hall.

    "It didn't work out", I told him, "we don't go to the meetings."

    A long pause followed. I could see imaginary cogs turning in his head as he stumbled over my answer. Had he expected me to lie?

    "It happens that way sometimes" replied the elder.

    "I had intended to go to the meetings", I said, "but it didn't work out"

    The other elder responded, "so did we"

    "We would like to come by and visit you and Mrs. Truthseeker to encourage you" said the first elder.

    "You'll have to make an appointment", I said.

    "What would be a good time to visit you" he replied?

    "I have both your phone numbers, I will call you" I said.

    They shook my hand and walked off as quietly as they had arrived.

    The above is a true account of what happened this morning. It was surreal. These two elders, both of whom had not bothered to contact me when I was missing dozens of meetings suddenly pay a surprise visit and wanted to encourage me.

    The fact that they saw me leaving the supermarket is quite distrubing. Were they watching me, waiting for me? Or was it just a coincidence?

    Our fade has been quite successful these last few months, until now.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Scary when they pop out at you like that ....don't concern yourself to much about it .....out of sight out of mind.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    to bad we can't get them to wear little bells around their necks, like cat collars , so they can't sneak up on you like that

  • chickpea

    the telling makes it seem ultra creepy....

    but i suggest you just continue your fade....
    likely it was a mere happenstance

  • parakeet

    A message for you, truthseeker. We all know you're really Mr. Anderson.

    "You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. You believe that you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you.

    "Obviously, you are mistaken. This [cult] is one of the top [cults] in the world because every single [braindead dub] understands that they are part of a whole. Thus, if a [dub] has a problem, the [cult] has a problem.

    "The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at [our meetings], on time, from this day forward. Or you choose to find yourself [shunned and damned]. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

  • AgentSmith

    Agent Smith: I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it.

    I have escaped. The two that appeared this morning are anomolies. They will escape too, as soon as I plunge my fist into their chest.

    *Manic laughter*

    The real Agent Smith.

  • AgentSmith

    Could not help myself.

    Truthseeker, that is not cool of them. My feeling is that they were just at the right place at the right time. And you happened to be in the wrong place...

    Continue your fade. They will lose your scent if they are anything like the suits patrolling over here.

    Agent Smith

  • truthseeker


    That was funny!

    Both the elders had stoic expressions - their conversation read like a script. I did not sense a true interest in me.

    The elder who did most of the talking was the service overseer. Before I left that congregation, I had not turned in time for 3 months and he did not even ask for it.

    The other elder would blatantly ignore me in the Kingdom Hall.

  • truthseeker

    I remember now, that the car next to mine was black and as I bent down to pick my shopping up I noticed a door open and close. I'm pretty sure it was their car.

    It all happened so quickly. If they were facing the road, which they would have to be, then how could they see me leaving the supermarket which was all the way down at the end of the parking lot?

  • AgentSmith

    Mmmm good point. The Agent's can use anyone and everyone that is still plugged into the system. So... maybe they did not see you leave the store themselves, but another 'plugged in' member saw you and reported.

    The plot thickens.... If they did follow you, then these two guys are really gung-ho about culling the sheep that are lost.

    Agent Smith

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