Sacrafice, why?

by VM44 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    How did the idea develope among the Semite people that Sacrafice, the destruction of animal life, would be pleasing to God?

    What purpose does it serve?

  • watson

    It smells good.

  • caliber

    sacrifice: from Latin sacrificare; sacer sacred, holy + facere to make.1. To make an offering of; to consecrate or present to a divinity by way of expiation or propitiation, or as a token acknowledgment or thanksgiving; to immolate on the altar of God, in order to atone for sin, to procure favor, or to express thankfulness;

    The mental leap from the word sacrifice to blood is not a hard one to make. From their beginning, religious sacrifices tended to include bloodshed. But the Christian notion of sacrifice moved away from this tradition toward a spiritual sacrifice. However, blood still remains a key component in the understanding of Christian sacrifice. Jesus' crucifixion is regarded by Christians as the "perfect sacrifice

    Holiness in Christianity is most frequently intertwined with the idea of personal sacrifice -- of property, of desires, of one's very life


  • caliber

    In a world in which people killed their own animals for food, it was only natural to make a religious ritual of it, at least sometimes, just as many people today still say grace before meals. Killing an animal as part of a ritual and then eating it is not, in itself, any more cruel than just killing the animal and then eating it. Thousands of animals are killed everyday far more than were ever just sacrificed in religious rituals !

  • caliber

    What is the non-Semitic idea that "some "Satanist believe value the of animal sacrifice to be ?

    The supposed purpose in performing the ritual of sacrifice is to throw the energy provided by the blood of the freshly slaughtered victim into the atmosphere of the magical working, thereby intensifying the magician's chance of success
    The release of this force is NOT effected in the actual spilling of blood, but in the death throes of the living creature! .... discharge of bio-electrical energy

    So in this case struggle and suffering would seem to be a some twisted purpose Caliber

  • WTWizard

    It's just God's way of making sure people do not get the most out of their lives. In fact, He invented the Original Sin scam to get people to start making endless sacrifices--effectively, a waste of resources.

  • wobble

    Christ knows.


  • Gregor

    What about the fact that sacrifices, which included wine and grain in addition to the finest livestock specimens, were all offered at the tabernacle/temple under the supervision of the High Priest and his heppers. Sweet deal, huh? Maybe a couple of temple virgins thrown in for spice.

  • oompa

    and who the hell ever thought of grinding up pigs, cows, and worst....turkeys???"hey...lets not just killem and cookem....lets runem through a wood chipper first!"......sorry...that is off topic......oompa

  • truthsetsonefree

    It makes absolutely no sense in our world, especially if you don't subscribe to the dubious concept of God. But I'd imagine it would make sense in the past if people felt they were giving something valuable to the powerful deity.


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