Serena utters the 'F' word for all to hear at the
Serena makes a "boo boo"
by smiddy 29 Replies latest jw friends
Homerovah the Almighty
I'm acting as a witness to this infraction and I will be
reporting it to the elders of her Hall.
" Conduct unbecoming of a Christian "
and there's that situation with that nude photograph.
I never swear
F word...?
She yelled out Franz!?
homerovah t.a m
serena did a nude photograph ? I`d like to see that!!..........or would I, she did pump dump trucks at 10 yrs old,didn`t she ?
I should have been more "explicit"" expletive "oh...... you know what I mean.
Is Franz worse than iF yoU seeC Kay ? well I guess it is.
Yeah I know what you meant, Smiddy. All in good fun!
She's such a high profile JW. She should get into trouble but won't. She's very much into politics too. That's 3 boo boos including her nakedness. And she isn't tiny.
Anyone know what hall she goes to?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but neither of the Williams sisters are baptized, right?
If they're not baptized and not really active, as far as meeting attendance or field service, there's not much the elders can do. Just 'cause someone goes around saying they're a JW doesn't make them one.
There was this crazy ole guy that lived in the area years ago that said he was a JW. He never stepped foot in a hall, had never been baptized or done anything remotely JW wise but because he had studied or had a family member that was a JW (I can't remember which) he decided that he would identify himself as one. We never took him seriously and we figured no one else did either.
I think it stings us a bit to see famous people or sports stars calling themselves JWs when we know full well that if we tried some of the things they did, we would have gotten counseled for it. When I was younger, I used to get incensed about Michael Jackson. It wasn't so much his doing it as it was my being jealous that he got away with it.
Let's face it...most celebrity JWs and their families are more dysfunctional than a normal JW family. They're not going to represent the average JW family any more than Brad and Angelina represent the average American family.