Is this generation just setting themselves up for disappointment with Obama!

by free2beme 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeeprube

    The only people calling him "Messiah", "Lord" or whatever are Republicans. It's just a Republican tactic to obvuscate the facts.

    I did hear a women at a Bush rally in 2004 state that: "having President Bush in office is like having Jesus in the White House."

  • sspo

    He's not a savior or lord but definetely much smarter than Bush who thought that the almighty was using him

    Bush was the worst and most ignorant president in american history.

    Every time he opened his mouth never made any sense and that's why the country is so screwed up.

  • Jim_TX

    I was talking to my wife about this the other day. I told her that no matter what he does - he can't fail - even if he does nothing.

    The reason? It will be spun that 'others' are preventing him from succeeding.


    Jim TX

  • BurnTheShips
    Is this generation just setting themselves up for disappointment with Obama!

    Feet of clay!


  • JimmyPage

    I don't expect miracles from Obama. I just expect him to be better than the previous dumbass.

  • chickpea

    people expecting a messianic miracle
    deserve the disappointment that is
    bound to occur...

    that being said.....
    i remember this hippie dad,
    back in the 70s, changing his
    kid's nasty (we are talking
    REAL nasty) diaper....

    lil copper was kicking up a
    significant fuss, making the
    job that much harder

    his dad says to him
    "hey copper! the person
    doing the work is the only
    one who has the right to complain!"

    mebbe the population needs to man up
    and do the hard things that need to be done...
    and be glad we have a leader with the intellectual
    wherewithal to educate the populace in order
    to get the nation back on a realistic and appropriate

  • inkling

    Exactly how many Democrats need to say "I don't think he's the messiah"
    before Republicans believe it?

  • hamilcarr

    Of course he's not a saviour, he's just the right person on the right moment.

  • QuestioningEverything

    He's already making positive changes and has only been president for one week.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    They say there are no atheist in a foxhole. By the last few months of the Bush administration most of us pretty well felt like they were in that position and need a savior.

    I'm sure they are a some nut cases that view him as Lord and Savior just as I am sure there a some crazies out there developing theories as to why he is the Anti-Christ.

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