WT 15th April apostates / new light on miscarriages

by dozy 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Snoozy

    Since I was in the religion from appr. 1961 until 1975 my memories are that they did say miscarriages would be resurrected. I remember a lot of the "sisters" looking forward to seeing their miscarried babies in the new order..

    I was pretty young then so I don't remember if it was a teaching or just the "sisters" speculating and wishing..

    I too would love to see a scan...


  • JWdaughter

    OMG, now the WT just gave my mom new hope. Wanna know why? All of the children she had that were BORN have turned away from her religon(salvation) and she has written us off. Hoping that in the resurrection she will have no memory of us forever. Nice huh? But NOW she can hope that the 2 who never made it will be resurrected and she will have another chance.

    Whew. Lucky break for her, huh? That and my dad dying before armageddon. I am sure she is all revved up now.

  • BluesBrother

    Here is a scan of the Resurrection of the unborn article - just goes to show that the G B don't know squat, do they?

  • sf

    "...target integrity".

    Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhlolololool.....now come on. Incorruptible, sound, complete...honest???

    Imean, can I get a "what, what"?

    Ya know, I rarely deal with the shithole known as this religion and it's shithead leaders these days. But when I do venture a gander, this stuff sure hits the funnybone.


    \in- ' te-gr?-te\
    Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
    14th century
    1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values :incorruptibility 2 : an unimpaired condition :soundness 3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided :completeness synonyms see honesty
  • JimmyPage

    Only babies who take a "breath of life" can be resurrected. It's in the Bible!

  • easyreader1970

    Honestly, I don't understand the logic. A baby dies before it consciously existed and Jehovah will probably resurrect it? But a five year old who is the child of a person who refuses to serve Jehovah will be killed?

    This is actually more of a biblical problem than a WBTS problem, though. The Old Testament (my wife hates when I call it that because the preferred nomenclature, as given by the Society, is Hebrew Scriptures) does paint Yahweh out to be a bit of a crazed monster.

  • sir82

    Interesting - the last sentence of the 2nd-to-last paragraph seems to imply that "partially developed embryos" will be "implanted" in women in the "new world".

    However, the tone of the last paragraph seems to be "shut up, stop thinking and just accept what we tell you. Don't speculate - that's our job."

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    That's about the closest I've ever seem the WT to even hinting that they may have been incorrect. Interesting, my previous thoughts about their inconsistant teaching against any "resurrection" hope for the unborn when compared with their assertion that life begins at conception is addressed. I guess I've been a JW too long.(actually, 5 minutes is too long)

    Anyone else notice the sentence " further study and prayerful meditation has led the Governing Body to conclude that such considerations do not really have a bearing..."? Are they in the process of changing the official teaching that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is made up of all the annointed? I know the reality is that they don't consider anyone's opinion outside of the GB, but the official teaching is different. Remember, the letter announcing the book study being morphed into the TMS/SM was on GB letterhead.

    Maybe I'm way off (ok, I'm probably way off) but I think there's something going on here. They've already said that 1) there are "legitimate" annointed that were born after 1935 which was a pretty big change, and 2) the "annointed" have no special insight - again a subtle but important change. Remember, the average JW still thinks that all the "genuine" annointed are old and that the end is close because of that. By changing the FDS doctrine to mean only the GB, they can keep that "big A around the corner" mentality a little longer.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Also, the "don't speculate" thing always cracks me up. If the Bible doesn't say, then anything other than "we haven't a clue" is speculation, right? Seriously, these guys really do believe their own hype. I guess if I thought God selected me to dictate every aspect of a person's life, I guess that would probably go to my head too.

  • besty

    I think its quite clear that the GB are now teaching they are the FDS, not the anointed remnant.

    1 - they have no feedback mechanism to gather the collective wisdom of the anointed

    2 - they have downplayed the role of the anointed

    3 - they have opened the door to heaven again after closing it in 1935 - thus all bets are off

    4 - the GB have been quite open about defining themselves as the FDS

    Expect an article clarifying this soon.

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