Anything come to mind???
What Have YOU Learned About Jehovah's Witnesses That You Didn't Know Before?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
I learned the society is not the truth. I learned they write their own history. I learned that Jehovah's name is not in the NT and that it was inserted. I learned that there was a cross. I learned that it is not a religion. I learned that 'friends' are not friends.
They HATED being called a "religion". Religion was of the Devil until it was convenient to be called "a religion".
is there help out there
I have learned that they can realy screw up you head. I have learned that there children grow up un loved, low self worth and low self esteen.
Thay grow up feeling only good enought to wash windows.
I used to think that if a viewpoint that didn't seem right wasn't immediately corrected, Jehovah was "allowing" it and it could "refine" us. I positively KNOW it's bullshit.
I have learned that I am not the only person to be molested as a child and abused as a wife within the congregation. Unfortunately there are thousands of us.
There is so much I learned to be untrue. And so much more I did not know about anything. I think the Beth Sarim thing freaked me out for starters. Then his pyramid burial spot. Then the mistress Rose? Oh yeah, and the toga and the blood transfusion fractions. Then the other countries doing things one way and other countries losing thier lives. Then to see the lies and actually have my whole bubble burst and realize I was brainwashed. Then to see other people say exactly what I know they will say because they are still brainwashed. Well it does a number on your head. Then...start in on all the things you never questioned like government, history, yourself. It gets pretty tough.
JWs are always proclaiming why they are better than other religions. Go on Silentlambs website and see how different they are from the Catholic Church. The JWS don't get involved with poitics but read the facts about the UN debacle.
I learned that the trust/freind issue is merely circumstantial.
Homerovah the Almighty
There is more corruption there that I could have ever imagined, all formulated out the greed of power from ignorant men.