Go for it Doe
Support group for GOLD DIGGERS!
by jeeprube 27 Replies latest social current
John Doe
Is that a proposal?
Actually, I find marrying for money to be no more fickle or vile than marrying for love. Love is an ephemeral and illusory bucket of ghost slop dangled in front of a perpetual hog.
LOL, hehe whatever toots. When you find it, really find it, you'll change your tune.
John Doe
When you find it, really find it, you'll change your tune.
A few invalid assumptions on your part there.
I stand by my words, you can't know that I am right, because it is still ahead of you.
John Doe
And I stand by mine, several erroneous assumptions in your words.
"Love is an ephemeral and illusory bucket of ghost slop dangled in front of a perpetual hog. "
Heh, could be.
Gold diggers need love too. Well, actually they don't. Never mind.