The internet and new coverts

by hubert 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    New converts are told VERY early on that all you apostates and opposers are liars and the internet is evil so new converts will not check anything out anyway. That's how it went in my house anyway. Maybe it takes them a good 10+ years to finally pluck up the courage to check into things.

  • besty
    Maybe it takes them a good 10+ years to finally pluck up the courage to check into things.

    Courage - something sadly lacking in the average JW (or any other cult) recruit

    They prey on the weak and vulnerable - my non-JW relatives have commented on this practice now that I am 'out'.

  • daniel-p

    It's true the internet made it easier for me to look into things, but still, at that point I WANTED to, it wasn't because I just stumbled across apostate literature. Inother circumstances, I could see myself going down to the library.

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