...I think many Christians would benefit from a critical exposition of religious idealogy in general. Heinlien is an excellent writer and his way of expressing things may make you see yourself in a completey new light. That, I think, is always beneficial.
I am always eager for a critical examination of myself. It served me well in leaving the WT.
Too many of us who have called ourselves Christian do not really see ourselves as we really are and need a wake up call, so-to-speak.
Daily, I see myself in a struggle against myself, Satan, and this world with its mindset of men's philosophies, godless institutions, religious traditions, and so forth.
And what exactly is the "antichrist mentality"?
The Bible says the antichrist are those who oppose the God of the Bible and his Son Jesus Christ. By extension, I include those opposed to the Holy Scriptures.
So, about this critical exposition of religious [Christian] idealogy by Heinlien, I still inquire as to the nature of his examination.
Does he disregard the Holy Spirit, faith, the existence of the God of the Bible, and the past actuality of Jesus Christ in history?
Does this man understand the spiritual nature of a Christian led by the Holy Spirit? Perhaps he plays the critical observer with lack of Holy Spirit, as such.
Is Heinlien tending a cultural antropological methological approach as to exploring religious symbols, rites and passages, dogma, doctrine, and so forth about religion in general? Perhaps he is more directed toward Christianity, in the vain of it being just another religious system of belief, this done with the position of undermining knowledge and respect for divine Biblical scripture.
Does this man drown in exploratory philosophical quandries, preponderances, and conjectures. All of this one can do and sound plausible, and yet be independent of God. Perhaps he feels like the German educator William Kant, saying there is no God because of what he feels is cruelty in nature.
So I am curious as to how this man can enlighten me more about myself than divine Biblical scriture with the Holy Spirit at my side. Is this man iron by which I can sharpen myself in Christian spirituallity?